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Report a fly-tip

Report fly-tipping and find out how to get rid of waste legally.

Report fly-tipping

To report fly-tipping on a map or on your mobile use Cleaner Lewisham:

Clicking on the link above will leave the website and take you to the Cleaner Lewisham website. 

Find out what you can do if you have information about who is fly-tipping

When a fridge or mattress is fly-tipped, a crew is sent out to collect the item(s). If there is any other type of waste amongst the fly-tip, an additional crew will be sent to collect the remaining waste. This is because we send fridges and mattresses to be recycled in line with regulations. We send other fly-tipped waste to be incinerated to produce energy. It may seem that we are wasting resources when two crews attend one fly-tip, but this is to make sure that we recycle as much as possible.

What to do if you see fly-tipping

  • Do not touch the waste: fly-tipped waste can be dangerous – it may contain syringes, broken glass, asbestos, toxic chemicals or other hazardous substances.

  • Inspect the waste: try to find out what the waste consists of and how much there is.

  • Note its exact location and whether it is in or near water.

  • Do not disturb the site: there may be evidence that could help identify the culprits and lead to their prosecution. 

Report fly-tipping

How to get rid of waste legally

Fly-tipping on private land

We only clear fly-tipping from public areas, such as roads. If fly-tipping occurs on private property, it is the responsibility of the occupier or owner of the property to clear it.

If you want to report fly-tipping on private land (that is not yours), please contact us on 020 8314 2170 or envirocrime.enforcement@lewisham.gov.uk

We will then investigate and if necessary, enforce removal of the waste by the occupier or owner of the property. However, this may mean the serving of a formal enforcement notice and therefore removal may take some time.

Fly-tipping on council estates

Please report fly-tipping on our estates using the Cleaner Lewisham site.

Fly-tipping and the law

Fly-tipping controlled waste is a serious criminal offence which could carry:

  • an unlimited fine

  • 12 months imprisonment upon conviction at a magistrates court

  • up to five years imprisonment at a crown court

If you knowingly cause or permit fly-tipping of controlled waste you may receive the same penalties.

Fly-tipping is often associated with dumping waste from vehicles. In this case, the person controlling the use of the vehicle can also be prosecuted, which means that it is possible for a prosecution to occur when only the vehicle, not the driver, is identifiable. The police also have the powers to seize vehicles used for fly-tipping.

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