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NHS vaccinates homeless residents in Lewisham

The NHS in Lewisham is rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine to local residents experiencing homelessness, helping to protect our homeless population from the virus.

Homeless residents, including rough sleepers and those based in hostels or emergency accommodation, will be offered the COVID-19 vaccine over the coming weeks, with a ‘vaccination bus’ helping the NHS reach residents across the borough.

The Mayor of Lewisham, Damien Egan, volunteering with NHS staff and local volunteers to help vaccinate homeless residents in LewishamThe Mayor of Lewisham, Damien Egan, has been volunteering with NHS staff and local volunteers to help vaccinate homeless residents in Lewisham.

We have been working closely with the NHS throughout the pandemic to ensure our homeless residents are able to access the care they need and are properly supported during this time.

As the NHS continues to oversee the successful COVID-19 vaccination programme in Lewisham and across the country, we will carry on supporting them and encouraging residents to get the vaccine when they are offered it.

Cllr Paul Bell, Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning said:

“I am very grateful to the NHS for their hard work in rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine across Lewisham. It’s great to see that our homeless residents, including those who are sleeping rough, will soon be vaccinated and protected against the virus.”

Find out more about the COVID-19 vaccination programme.

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