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Lewisham Council has announced a new grant scheme offering payments of up to £50k to support local businesses and not-for-profit groups.

Lewisham Council has announced a new grant scheme offering payments of up to £50k to support local businesses and not-for-profit groups, as the borough’s town centres continue to reopen and welcome customers back.

The discretionary Inclusive Growth Builder is in addition to over 12,000 grants totalling more than £65 million that the Council has already distributed since the start of the pandemic, to help local businesses affected by COVID-19 restrictions. All applications must be made online by Monday 7 June. Find out more about the Inclusive Growth Builder support grant.

The new grant scheme is part of a wider package of support to reinvigorate Lewisham’s high streets. It includes free resources to ensure businesses are equipped to reopen safely; visits from Council officers to offer health and safety advice; and a campaign to encourage people to Shop Local including a series of new films to mark the reopening of indoor venues on 17 May, in line with stage three of the Government’s roadmap out of lockdown. Watch the first in this film series following Elements Bar on YouTube.

Cllr Joani Reid, Cabinet member for Culture, Jobs and Skills, said:

“The pandemic has made us all appreciate how important it is to have shops and services within walking distance of home. We want to see Lewisham’s high streets thrive again and are doing all we can to not only help businesses reopen safely but also to flourish in the long term. They need our custom more than ever. Supporting local businesses boosts the local economy. So whether popping out for a pint of milk or beer, please keep it local”

Daniel and Heleena, who own Jerk Off BBQ, in Deptford, said:

“We are feeling positive and optimistic about the future! We have lots of ideas, projects and expansion plans in motion. We love showcasing the Caribbean culture and history through food and fun, so the connection to our customers and being able to have a chat and have fun again is what it’s all about for us!”

Nikki, of Haven’t Stopped Dancing Yet, said:

“We are so looking forward to dancing together in real life soon. If things go to plan we’ll be at Beckenham Place Mansion in September, at Blackheath Halls in December and we are talking to other local venues about dates too. We can’t wait to see everyone face to face again. Our regulars have messaged us, to say the same.”

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