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COVID-19 in Lewisham update 23 October

Dr Catherine Mbema, our Director of Public Health shares the latest update on coronavirus in our borough and the steps we can all take to help protect ourselves and everyone in our communities.

Cases of COVID-19 are continuing to rise in London, but there is still time for us to act and make a difference to slow the spread of the virus.

If you have any of the symptoms of coronavirus, please book a test straight away. We have a mobile testing unit in Catford every three days and a local testing unit at Vanguard park in Deptford which is open on weekends too. Find out more about local testing.

Enjoying half-term safely

For many schools in our borough, today is the last day before half term begins. I would like to acknowledge the efforts of everyone in our school communities across the borough, who have worked so hard to make the return to school as smooth as possible.

Staff, parents and pupils have worked together in order to make sure our pupils are kept safe, happy and learning as much as possible during this time.

As a parent I will be spending half term with my daughter and finding ways to keep her entertained, while balancing what you can and can’t do.

Here are some handy tips and reminders of how to enjoy your half term:

  • Visit museums, restaurants and cinemas but remember you must not mix with indoors with anyone outside of your household or support bubble.
  • Go shopping locally to prevent long journeys where possible.
  • Visit a pumpkin patch – as it’s outdoors you are able to socially distance.
  • Go to the park – remember you can meet friends and family that you do not live with outside, in a group of up to six.
  • Youth groups and activities, and children’s playgroups are still allowed to function with more than six people, as are outdoor exercise and dance classes, and organised outdoor sport.

Here is a list of further activities and childcare support available over the half term break.

Planning a trip during half-term

As the rules change it’s important to remember that if you go on a trip, you need to follow the rule from the area you live in. For Lewisham residents, this means following ‘high’ local COVID-19 alert level rules. Here are some questions parents have been asking as they plan their half term.

Can I travel to another area?

People living in Tier 2 (high risk) areas can travel to hotels and other holiday accommodation within Tier 2 and also to Tier 1 areas, but only with people in their household or support bubble. We do not recommend that you travel to very high alert area unless absolutely necessary.

Can I go abroad?

Holidays abroad are allowed, but it is important to check the current list of countries that you can travel to. Please remember rules could change while you’re abroad.

Can I stay overnight when travelling?

You can stay in private accommodation, such as a flat, caravan or holiday cottage, but only with members of your own household.

Can I go to Wales?

A ‘firebreak lockdown’ will be introduced across Wales at 6PM today until 12:01am Monday 9 November 2020 to help restrict the spread of COVID-19. People living in England will not be able to travel to Wales during this period unless they have a reasonable excuse (e.g. for work or education).

Support available to residents

If you need help to self-isolate we are ready, with our partners, to support you. You might need help with accessing food or medicine, support to home-school your children or a letter for your employer that explains that you’re self-isolating.

You could also consider making a plan in case you do need to self-isolate. This could include identifying a family member, friend or neighbour who could support you to access food or collect medication. If you haven’t already, you could also sign-up for an online shopping account or identify a local shop that could deliver groceries to you.

A new Government payment is available to support those who must self-isolate. The support is a one-off £500 payment. Find out if you are eligible for financial support while you self-isolate.

For council related questions please call our incident helpline.

We are working with our partners to find additional support for residents in the following areas. Community Connections Lewisham can connect you to ongoing support during the pandemic to help you with:

  • support with food issues
  • accessing befriending and practical assistance
  • finding new opportunities for employment, training and learning
  • volunteering and participating in local projects
  • connecting with groups and communities, and accessing social opportunities.

Call Community Connections on 0330 058 3464. The phone line is open Monday to Friday 9.30am – 4pm.

Advice Lewisham can help you if you need information, advice and guidance about bills, work, renting or even family matters.

  • multi-lingual support
  • applying for benefits or food vouchers
  • specialist immigration advice
  • specialist debt advice
  • housing or employment issues.

Call Advice Lewisham on 0800 231 5453. The phone line is open Monday to Friday 9.30am–12.30pm and 1.30pm–4pm.    

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COVID-19 in Lewisham - 22 July update
Meet Lewisham COVID-19 Community Champion Marilyn Moore
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