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St Margaret's Lee CE Primary School

Parents/carers should complete our Supplementary Information Form (SIF) only if they are applying for a church place. We offer up to ten church places to families who meet the criteria (see criteria 4 of our Admissions Policy – Parent's attendance at a church service).

Sections 1–4 of the SIF should be completed by the applicant's parent and given to the priest/minister to complete section 5. However, it is the responsibility of the priest/minister to return the completed form to the school. Forms handed in directly by parents/carers will be checked with the church. You should ensure that you have read a copy of the admissions policy before completing the form and have discussed your application with the priest/minister from whom verification is sought.

The parent or carer is responsible for checking that the school has received the supplementary form by 15 January, the closing date for applications.


St Margarets Lee Church Of England Primary School, Lee Church Street, London, SE13 5SG

Telephone 020 8852 3151
Email info@stmargaretslee.lewisham.sch.uk
Website St Margaret's Lee CE Primary School

School age range:


School type

voluntary aided




Ian Wilson

Additional school information

St Margaret’s Lee Church of England School is a voluntary aided church school linked to our parish church, St Margaret’s, Lee. We welcome children from our local community into a caring Christian environment. The school has a single-form entry, which means that there is one class of 30 children for each year group. The school admits children to the reception class in the September of the school year in which they become five years old.    

St Margaret’s Lee Church of England School Ofsted report 

Admissions places available

2020–2021: 30

Admission policies:

Admissions information
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