Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Additional forms are required when applying for this school. Contact the school direct for more information.
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School, Culverley Road, Catford, London, SE6 2LD
Telephone 020 8698 2675
School age range:
Catherine Mahoney
Additional school information
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School belongs to the Parish of Holy Cross, Catford. The School works in collaboration with parents and carers to offer a high quality,Catholic education. Each child is nurtured and cherished as they live out our mission statement of caring, sharing and learning together. Our children benefit from the close links we have with Holy Cross Church and understand the importance of being a part of our community here in Catford. The Admissions Committee of the Governing Body makes decisions regarding admissions. Having consulted with the Local Authority, the Diocese and other admission authorities, the Governors intend to admit into the Reception Class, in September 2020, up to 30 pupils without reference to ability or aptitude.
Ofsted report
Admissions places available
2020–2021: 30
Admission policies:
Executive Head:
Mary Collins