Anneka Whyte
A very dedicated and caring personal assistant with an extensive years of caring for vulnerable adults. I have been working as a support worker since 2018. I enjoy caring for people and given them choices to make their own decision as well as empowering them to be fully involved in the care and support that I provide. I have completed all mandatory related training, and NVQ level in health and social care. Im very flexible, well organised, caring and cooking.
Telephone 07478011608
Condition experience
- Mental health
- Dementia
- Learning disabilities
- Sensory loss
- Stroke
- Traumatic brain injury
- Physical disability
- Cerebral palsy
- Progressive neurological conditions
Areas covered
- Bellingham
- Brockley
- Catford
- Crofton Park
- Downham
- Forest Hill
- Grove Park
- Hither Green
- Ladywell
- Lee
- Lewisham
- Sydenham
Disclosure and Barring service
Provider type
Personal assistant
Care type provided
- Respite
- Regular hours
- Community engagement
- Home practical care
- Personal care
- Health and Safety
- Infection control
- Medication awareness
- Safeguarding
Languages spoken
- English
- Caribbean Creole English
Days providing care:
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
Days and times of providing care:
Im open for time negotiation as im very flexible
Hourly rate:
Part of the day providing care:
- Morning
- Lunchtime
- Evening
- Late
DBS Date of Issue:
13th March 2021