Grove Park Neighbourhood Forum and Area
Grove Park Neighbourhood Plan Referendum - The Result
A referendum on the Grove Park Neighbourhood Plan was held on Thursday 26 August 2021.
People who live in the area were able to vote either in favour or against the proposed neighbourhood plan. This will affect how the Council will consider planning applications for Grove Park. The Neighbourhood Plan was created by members of Grove Park's local community and outlines a number of projects related to community infrastructure and green spaces.
Declaration of Result of Poll
I, Jamie Baker, being the Deputy Counting Officer at the referendum held on Thursday, 26th August 2021, DO HEREBY GIVE NOTICE of the following count information:
The total eligible electorate is 11,629
The total number of ballot papers received is 1,905
And the Turnout is 16.38%
Question: Do you want the London Borough of Lewisham to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Grove Park to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?
Yes votes = 1,727
No votes = 174
AND I HEREBY DECLARE that the electors voted YES in the referendum and the Grove Park Neighbourhood Plan has been approved.
Signed by Jamie Baker, Deputy Counting Officer, Friday 27 August 2021.
More documents and information regarding the Neighbourhood Plan and the Referendum:
Grove Park Referendum - Official Declaration of Result
Grove Park Referendum Information Statement
General Information statement on Town and Country Planning
Grove Park Notice of Referendum
Grove Park Neighbourhood Plan - Adopted Version
Grove Park Neighbourhood Plan - Adopted Version
Grove Park Neighbourhood Plan - Adoption Statement
Grove Park Neighbourhood Plan Examination
The Council with agreement from the Grove Park Neighbourhood Forum has appointed Deborah McCann BSc MRICS MRTPI Dip Arch Con Dip LD to undertake the examination for the Grove Park Neighbourhood Forum.
The examiner has sent the following letter with questions to the Neighbourhood Forum.
Questions for the forum
Questions for the forum 04/01/2021
Forum response to examiners questions
Appendix 1 – Independent examiners report on Grove Park Neighbourhood Plan
Appendix 2 – Lewisham Council Decision notice
Grove Park Neighbourhood Forum re-designation
The application to re-designate the Grove Park Neighbourhood forum has been approved.
The Grove Park Neighbourhood Forum designation will run until 20 October 2025.
Information about the application
The supporting documents for this application are below. Please note that the list of supporters is not available for inspection by the public for data protection reasons.
Regulation 16 consultation responses
Responses to the Draft Grove Park neighbourhood plan Regulation 16 consultation.
- Regulation 16 comments - stat and general consultees
- Regulation 16 comments - Lewisham Council
Word, 35.1KB
Pdf, 93.6KB
Pdf, 253.3KB
Grove Park Draft Plan Submission
The Grove Park Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to the council on 11/07/2019.
Pdf, 6.8MB
Pdf, 1.2MB
Pdf, 2.8MB
Pdf, 3.4MB
All queries regarding membership of the Forum and the activities of the Forum should be made directly to Stephen Kenny at or on 020 8857 7980.
Get further information on the Grove Park Forum.