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Buying the freehold

Information if you want to buy the freehold.

Among the properties we manage there are a number of buildings where all of the flats are sold on long leases. If your building's one of these you have the right, as a leaseholder, to buy the freehold of your building.

If you buy the freehold, your property will no longer be managed by Lewisham Council. We stop being responsible for repairing and maintaining the building, and no longer charge you for any major works.

As a freeholder, you would decide, with other owners in the building, what works, if any, you want to carry out. You're responsible for choosing a contractor and the timing of the works.

Before you can buy the freehold you need to meet certain conditions:

  • if there are only two flats in the building both leaseholders must agree to purchase the freehold
  • if there are more properties, at least 60% of the leaseholders need to jointly purchase the freehold – buying the freehold this way is called ‘collective enfranchisement’

You can find more information about buying the freehold from LEASE, an independent organisation.

You can also contact us at HOS@lewisham.gov.uk.

Do you lease your flat to the Council?

If you're a freeholder of a property where you lease a flat to the Council and need to:

  • send us a bill for service charges or major works
  • serve statutory notice on us in relation to the property
  • tell us important information that may affect the property or our tenant
  • contact our tenant

Email us at hos@lewisham.gov.uk.

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