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Trees affecting your property

Find out who is responsible for trees, and what to do if you have concerns about a tree that may be affecting your property.

Who is responsible

  • If your neighbour owns the property, they are responsible for the tree.

  • If your neighbour is a tenant, they can speak to the homeowner on your behalf or give you the owner's contact details.

What to do about a neighbour's trees or hedges

First of all, try to resolve the issue between yourselves. We cannot get involved unless the tree is subject to a tree preservation order, or is in a conservation area.

If you cannot resolve the issue by speaking to the homeowner, you can seek legal advice.

Government information about high hedges.

Cutting back overhanging foliage

You can cut back foliage that is hanging over the boundary of the property you own.

Doing other works on overhanging trees

First, you should find out who is responsible for the tree(s). Usually it is the owner of the land.

We are responsible for:

  • street trees

  • trees inside parks

  • trees on land managed by Lewisham Homes.

There are other registered social landlords (RSL) that have properties in the borough. If you are a resident of one of these properties, you need to report any tree problems to the person / organisation that you pay your rent or leasehold charges to.

Trees on our property

If the tree is our responsibility, please report it to us.

Trees that don't belong to us

If the tree does not belong to us you should get professional advice from a qualified tree surgeon. If someone who isn't qualified works on a tree it could cause serious problems in the future.

Speak to the owner of the tree before you do any work.

You may need to apply for permission if the tree is in a conservation area or has a tree preservation order.

Trees blocking light

We prioritise trees that we consider dangerous. It takes us longer to deal with reports about trees blocking light.

Trees affecting the structure of your property

  • Use the Report it to us tool to report the issue to the Tree Service.

  • If you are concerned about structural issues with your property, contact your insurance company.

  • They will arrange for a professional investigation to find out what is causing the structural issues.

  • If they find that a tree is causing the issues, they will give you a report confirming this.

Please send this report to:

Insurance and Risk department
Third Floor
Laurence House
Catford SE6 4RU

If you want a crossover (dropped kerb) but there is a tree in the way

We don't usually cut down healthy trees to allow crossovers to be made. If you would like us to consider your specific situation, write to us at the address below.

Find out more information about applying for a crossover (dropped kerb).


Highway Maintenance Group

London Borough Of Lewisham, Laurence House, 1 Catford Road, London, SE6 4RU
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