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Primary, secondary and post-16 schools performance

See our primary and secondary school performance tables.

The Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) monitors the performance of schools in the borough. 

School performance

The Department for Education (DfE) publishes school performance tables each year. These provide information on the performance of schools in the borough and across the UK.

Performance information helps schools to look at their strengths and weaknesses. It is designed to help them raise standards.

The information is also by us for the same purpose, and by Ofsted.

Primary performance

The DfE publishes tables which provide background information on schools including:

  • name
  • address
  • telephone number.

The tables show data and information relating to the school and its pupils, including: 

  • the Key Stage 2 test and teacher assessment results

  • the proportion of pupils making expected progress in reading, writing and mathematics

  • a score, which compares progress made by pupils in the school compared with pupils across the UK.

Secondary performance  

  • pupils' GCSE (and equivalent) results

  • the proportion of pupils making expected progress in English and mathematics

  • a value added score, which looks at progress made by pupils in the school compared with pupils across the UK

    • information about teaching staff and other members of the school

    • schools' income and expenditure.

Post-16 performance

The post-16 performance tables provide data and information. These show:

  • AS and A-level results

  • equivalent results.

for students in school sixth forms and colleges in England.


From September 2019 Ofsted is changing how it inspects schools.

See Ofsted's information about school performance. This includes historical inspection reports as well as the Ofsted data dashboard.

Performance tables and useful websites


Children and Young People's Performance Team

London Borough Of Lewisham, Laurence House, 1 Catford Road, London, SE6 4RU
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