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Aids, adaptations and equipment for children and young people with SEND

Our occupational therapists can visit your home and provide aids and adaptations for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

About the service

We help children and young people with disabilities to:

  • increase their safety and independence
  • improve their participation in daily activities and fulfil their potential.

We can visit children and young people with permanent disabilities in their home and do a functional assessment of their daily activities.

After the assessment, we:

  • recommend specialist equipment and minor or major adaptations
  • advise on safe manual handling techniques.

What support you can get

We can:

  • give you equipment to help increase independence with activities such as getting in and out of the bath
  • give you equipment to help your child move from one position to another if they can’t do so on their own
  • give you specialist seating to increase independence and support postural management
  • make recommendations for minor adaptations, such as grab rails on stairs and window restrictors
  • make recommendations for major adaptations, such as a level access shower, through-floor lift or ramp at the front of your property.

Eligibility criteria

To access this service, you must:

  • have a permanent disability (including physical and learning disabilities and mental health problems)
  • live in the Lewisham borough
  • be aged 0–18 years old.

How to make a referral

You can refer yourself or you can be referred by:

  • your parent or carer
  • health and social care professionals

You can make a referral by email or phone by contacting the Lewisham Paediatric Community Therapy Team.


Lewisham Paediatric Community Occupational Therapy Team

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