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Counselling for children and young people with SEND and their families

Children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families can access counselling.

What is counselling

Counselling is a type of talking therapy that allows you to talk about your problems and feelings in a confidential and dependable environment.

A counsellor is trained to listen with empathy, by putting themselves in your shoes. They can help you deal with any negative thoughts and feelings you have.

What you can discuss with your counsellor

Some things you may want to discuss with a counsellor could include:

  • bullying
  • sexual relationships
  • family problems
  • self-harm
  • bereavement
  • exam stress
  • behavioural concerns
  • vulnerability
  • child sexual exploitation

How to access counselling

Speak to your local GP who can refer you to a suitable counselling service.

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