Useful websites for school governors
The Department for Education is responsible for education and children's services. | |
The Southwark Diocesan Board of Education supports Church of England schools and further and higher education chaplaincies throughout the Diocese of Southwark which covers the whole of south London and parts of Surrey. | |
This site provides news, information, guidance and resources for schools, governors, clerks, parents and clergy. | |
The National Governors' Association is the representative body for school governors in England. | |
ISCG provides practical advice, impartial and up-to-date information on independent appeals for both school admissions and exclusions and for all matters concerning school governance. It also provides an Independent Appeals Service for admission appeals. | |
Ofsted inspects and regulates to achieve excellence in the care of children and young people, and in education and skills for learners of all ages. | |
The National College works to make a difference to children's lives through excellent school leadership – growing and supporting current and future school leaders so that they can have a positive impact within and beyond their schools. |