Information for new governors
Your clerk to the governors
Your council clerk is an expert in matters relating to school governance and will have been in touch with you very recently to welcome you and give you information about the date of the next governors' meeting.
They will be happy to answer any questions that you may have, and will send out the agenda and papers for each governing body meeting about a week beforehand. Your clerk's telephone and email contact details are shown at the front of the agenda.
In the documents below you will find a link to our new governor's welcome pack and additional information about the roles of parent and staff governors. You will also find a copy of the monitoring form that your clerk will have provided you with. This needs to be completed and returned to us as a hard copy.
Your governors’ information pack
If your school has the appropriate service level agreement, you will receive a copy of our latest governors’ information pack at the start of each term. This will update you about local and national matters that affect governing bodies, and will include the termly training programme. Please bring this along with you to governors’ meetings, as some agenda items will be linked to articles in the pack.
Training and support
Find information on induction training and further support and development.
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