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Latest council performance

The Council Performance Reports demonstrate how the Council is performing against priorities.

These reports help us monitor the Council's performance against key indicators. Making sure that decisions about performance and improvement are taken in line with the council’s priorities.

As well as performance reports, you can also view the report from Lewisham Council and the Local Government Association on our recent corporate peer challenge. The Council invited the Local Government Association (LGA) to undertake the challenge as part of its ongoing commitment to improving services for residents.  

The report highlights the Council’s race equality work, as well as its strong political and executive leadership. It states the Council is on a 'rapid transformation journey' that it is focused on delivering for Lewisham residents.  

Following the report, the Council is developing an action plan to address the recommendations, and the review team will revisit Lewisham later this year to assess the Council’s progress against those actions. 

Our employee and apprentice numbers

Our employee numbers

Number of employees on 31 March 2017


Number of employees on 31 March 2018


Number of new employees who started working for the Council between 1 April 2017 and 31 March 2018

Our apprentice numbers
Number of apprentices on 31 March 2017 15
Number of apprentices on 31 March 2018
Number of new apprentices whose apprenticeship agreements started between 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018 (including both new hires and existing employees who started an apprenticeship). 28
Corporate performance report

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Corporate Performance Team

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