Schools Forum meeting papers for 15 July 2010 Here are the papers from the meeting of the Schools Forum on 15 July 2010. All documents - for printing Pdf, 2.1MB Agenda Pdf, 39.4KB Minutes of the previous meeting Pdf, 76.9KB Item 3 In year savings Pdf, 59.6KB Item 3 In year savings Appendix B Pdf, 576.2KB Item 3 2011 to 2014 savings Appendix 1 Pdf, 1.7MB Item 3 In year savings Appendix 2 Pdf, 431.1KB Item 3 Harnessing tech grant reduction Appendix 3 Pdf, 36.9KB Item 4 SEN monitoring and protocol Pdf, 87.5KB Item 5 Capping of school carry forwards and budget deficits Pdf, 51.5KB Item 5 Capping school comments Grinling Gibbons Pdf, 46KB Item 5 Capping school comments Holy Trinity Pdf, 236.4KB Item 6 Early years update Pdf, 41.8KB Item 6 Early years update Appendix Pdf, 216KB Item 7 Carbon reduction commitment Pdf, 26.9KB Item 7 Carbon reduction commitment Appendix Pdf, 34.9KB Item 8 FMSiS Pdf, 22.5KB Item 8 FMSiS Appendix Pdf, 138.3KB Item 9 Academies Pdf, 41.9KB Item 9 Academies Appendix Pdf, 37.3KB Published on: 29/01/2019