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Make a freedom of information (FOI) request

See if we already publish the information you are looking for or make an FOI request.

Your right to access information

Under the General Data Protection Regulation, you can request access to the information we hold about you.

You can also request access to all types of information we hold, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

If you request information from us, we must:

  • tell you if we hold the information
  • give you the information (subject to exemptions).

Before you make an FOI request

Before you make an FOI request, you should check if the information is already available. We are legally required to maintain a publication scheme, which lists information we routinely publish about the Council. It includes:

  • the types of information we hold
  • the way the information is, or will be, published
  • if you need to pay to access the information.

How to make an FOI request

You should make an FOI request if you can’t access the information you need:

  • on our website
  • after contacting the relevant service area.

To make a request, email our Corporate FOI Team using the email below. You must include:

  • what information you are requesting
  • your name and address or email address so we can reply.

You can get guidance about your rights under the FOI Act from the Information Commissioner's Office.

Public authorities normally have 20 working days to respond to a freedom of information request. Extra time may be allowed in certain circumstances.

There may be times when it may take us longer to respond to your freedom of information request. If this is the case, we will write to let you know when you will receive a response.


Freedom of Information

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