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Acquisitions of existing or planned properties

We pro-actively seek opportunities in the market on an ongoing basis. The majority of these properties will be located within the borough and will be used to provide council homes for social rent, and to secure housing for homeless households needing temporary accommodation.

This approach helps to mitigate the costs of placing people in costly private rented accommodation. We will not purchase properties unless value for money can be clearly demonstrated. As many of these properties are single dwellings or flats, we have not included these in the borough map.

Our acquisitions to date have included:

  • ‘buy-back’ properties that become available through the Government’s ‘Right to Buy’ scheme, where the council has the option to acquire them
  • properties from third parties, including street properties where value for money is guaranteed
  • conversions of a number of under-used or poor-quality council assets to provide council homes

Finally, with support from our housing company Lewisham Homes, we are also pursuing discussions with developers whereby the Council can buy or partner on developments. This will accelerate the delivery of much-needed homes for social rent and temporary accommodation.

We always welcome discussions on further opportunities for partnerships where we can:

  • add value
  • use grant funding or ‘Right to Buy’ receipts
  • or maximise social rented and council homes

Since May 2014, 195 new social rented and temporary accommodation homes have been created in the borough through acquisitions, conversions and ‘buy-backs’.

For further information please contact: newinitiatives@lewishamhomes.org.uk

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