Lewisham Council Homepage
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Mayor and Council
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Primary navigation
Births, deaths, marriages, civil partnerships and citizenship
Pest control
Cost of living crisis
Council tax
Recycling and rubbish
Children and young people's service
Young People
Children and families information service
Employment support and careers advice
Health and social care
Building control
Roads and transport
Sundry debts
Lewisham Digital Infrastructure
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Births, deaths, marriages, civil partnerships and citizenship
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Registering a birth
Giving notice
Book your wedding or civil partnership ceremony with us
British citizenship
Order copies of certificates
Lewisham Register Office
Pest control
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Cost of living crisis
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Food support services
Council tax
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What is council tax and who has to pay?
Pay your council tax
Council tax reductions and exemptions
Manage your council tax
Problems paying your council tax
Contact us
How much is my council tax?
Disputes, refunds and appeals
Landlords and letting agents
Council tax when someone dies
Tell us about a new or altered property
Council tax and Freeman on the Land
Recycling and rubbish
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Your bins
Bulky item collection
Landmann Way Reuse and Recycling Centre
Garden waste
How to recycle your plastics
Cleaner Lewisham
Business rubbish and recycling
Public recycling banks
Donate furniture and other household items
Clinical and hazardous waste
Where your recycling and rubbish goes
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Householder energy savings
Find and comment on planning applications
Frequently asked questions (residential)
Frequently asked questions (business)
Planning policy
Planning enforcement
Conservation and design
Local land charges
Party Wall etc. Act 1996
Street naming and numbering
Amenity societies and community groups
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Get housing support
Council homes
Information for social housing tenants
Private tenants and landlords
Affordable ways to buy a home
Grants and loans to improve your home
Housing Futures
Housing benefit
Partners and duty to refer
No recourse to public funds
Empty and derelict properties
Housing strategy and policies
Children and young people's service
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Keeping children safe
Services for children with complex needs and disabilities
Children in care and care leavers
Looking after someone else's child
Making Lewisham an autism inclusive borough
Youth justice
Early Help Services
Mental health and emotional wellbeing
Community health services
Families First for Children Pathfinder
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Education Strategy
Special educational needs and disabilities
Adult education
Early years education
Learning options for 14–19-year-olds
Financial support for pupils and students
Local higher education providers
Our plans to expand Watergate School and redevelop Dumps Adventure Playground
Young People
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Adventure playgrounds
Baseline drop-in service
Holiday programme food and fun
Lewisham Outreach Inclusion summer programme
Support for young fathers
Supporting our young people
Youth First venue hire
Youth clubs
Sexual health services
Health and wellbeing
Staying safe
Children and families information service
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Family Hubs
Family Information Service contact
Lewisham Educational Psychology team
Employment support and careers advice
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Lewisham Works
Work programmes, training and advice
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Advice for providers of supported accommodation
Council tax reduction scheme
Protecting your benefit payments from your bank
Single Support Grant
The Household Support Fund
Housing benefit
Benefit cap
Personal independence payment
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Report parking issues
Parking permits for controlled parking zones
Footway parking
Visitor vouchers e-Permits app
Yellow box junctions
Additional safety cameras
Catford Broadway Exemption Permits
Emissions-based parking charges
Changing your protected vehicle
Easier travel for Blue Badge holders in Low Traffic Neighbourhood
How our new parking policy has affected parking permit prices
Parking permit system
Parking for health workers
School Streets
Ultra Low Emission Zone
Weight Limit Restrictions
Car parks and street parking
Parking tickets
Blue Badge disabled parking
Crossovers (dropped kerbs and white lines)
Parking reports and policies
Motorcycle parking
Pedestrianised streets
ANPR parking and moving traffic camera locations
Modal filters on Silverdale and Bishopsthorpe Road
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Library branches
Join the library
Renewing library items
Home library service
Library charges and fines
Business support for entrepreneurs with BIPC Lewisham
Lewisham Heritage
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Climate Emergency
Commercial pest control
Air quality
Allotments and community gardens
Animal welfare
Contaminated land
Keeping our streets clean
Pollution information for developers and businesses
Fixed penalty notices for environmental offences
Health and social care
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Adult social care
Information for carers
Health and wellbeing
Paying for your care
Our approach
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Business support
The Lewisham Creative Enterprise Zone
Lewisham High Streets Studies
Commercial property
Business waste management
Business rates
Tenders and contracts
Licences and street trading
Food safety, hygiene and standards
Health and safety
Business Awards 2024
London Living Wage
Offer an apprenticeship within your company
Building control
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Building projects – site inspections
Search building control applications
Submit a building notice
Apply for full plans approval
Apply for regularisation
Building control approval
Building control – frequently asked questions
Building control fees
About building control
Apply for a demolition notice
Report a dangerous structure
Building control – frequently asked questions (commercial properties)
Roads and transport
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Have your say on current schemes
Roads and pavements
Lewisham and Lee Green Low Traffic Neighbourhood
Sustainable Streets programme
Healthy Neighbourhoods
Public transport
Transport options for older people, people with a disability and people with SEN
Road safety
Sustainable transport
Closing a road for a play street or street party event
School Streets
Transport strategy and programmes
Ultra-low emission zone
Sundry debts
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If you don’t pay your sundry debt
Challenging sundry debt invoices
How to pay sundry debts
Lewisham Digital Infrastructure
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Mayor and Council
Council meetings
Mayor and cabinet
Councillors and wards
Corporate strategy
About us
Elections and voting
Local assemblies
MPs and AMs
Lewisham Strategic Partnership
Complaints and feedback
The Young Mayor
Overview and scrutiny
Influence decisions
Positive Ageing Council
Community support
Project funding
Press office
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Council meetings
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Licensing Supplementary Committee
Children and Young People Select Committee
Healthier Communities Select Committee
Housing Select Committee
Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee – Our Healthier South East London
Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee - SLaM Mental Health of Older Adults
Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee - SLaM Places of Safety
Overview and Scrutiny Business Panel
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Overview and Scrutiny Education Business Panel
Public Accounts Select Committee
Safer Stronger Communities Select Committee
Sustainable Development Select Committee
Planning Committee A
Planning Committee B
Mayor and cabinet
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Councillors and wards
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The role of councillors
Councillors' attendance at meetings
Councillor allowances
How to become a councillor
The Speaker of Lewisham
Find your councillor
Ward maps
Privacy notice - Elected members
Corporate strategy
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Lewisham's budget challenge
Our priorities
Our values
About us
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How the Council is run
Strategies and plans
Our finances
Latest council performance
Access to information
Open data and transparency
Report fraud
International links
Freedom of the Borough
Honorary Alderpeople
Equality and diversity
Advertising with us
Lewisham Life magazine
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Apply for a job with us
Careers in adult social care
Careers in children's social care
Jobs in schools
Lewisham Works
Work experience
Elections and voting
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Election results
Register to vote
Where is my polling station?
How voting works
The electoral system
Changes to our electoral system
Ward maps
Local assemblies
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MPs and AMs
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Lewisham Strategic Partnership
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Complaints and feedback
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How to send us a complaint or feedback
Adult social care compliments, comments, complaints and appeals
Corporate complaints procedure
Housing complaints procedure
Children and young people's services
Feedback about planning
Our commitment to responding to complaints
Complaints and feedback: you said, we did
Complaints performance
Frequently asked questions
The Young Mayor
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Overview and scrutiny
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About overview and scrutiny
Overview and scrutiny reports
Suggest an issue to be scrutinised
Open overview and scrutiny investigations
Influence decisions
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Submit or view a petition
Get involved in health and social care
Ask a question at a council meeting
School governors
Young citizens' panel: a voice for young people
Positive Ageing Council
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Winter support services for older people
Community support
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Lewisham Disabled People's Commission Report
Making Lewisham an autism inclusive borough
The Lewisham Deal
Community-led projects
Supporting refugees
Our offer to the Armed Forces community
Support for reservists
Right to nominate assets of community value
Community premises
Project funding
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Apply for funding to make the borough greener
Apply for funding to make your organisation more accessible to children with SEND
Consultation on our Main Grants 2022–25 programme
Funding for community projects (Small and Faith Fund)
Funding for arts projects
How to get funding for your project
Press office
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In my area
Adopt an area
Discover Lewisham
Lewisham 2030: Join the conversation!
What's on
Living in Lewisham
Parks and open spaces
Sport and leisure
Arts and entertainment
Interactive map
Local history and heritage
Community safety
Tackling poverty
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Adopt an area
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Community litter picks
Play Streets
Get a tree planted
Report an abandoned vehicle
Report fly-tipping
Request a bulky waste collection
Donate furniture or other items
How to replace wheelie bins
Apply for NCIL funding
Apply for a cycle hangar
Discover Lewisham
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Lewisham 2030: Join the conversation!
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What's on
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Planning an event or festival
New Cross Fire anniversary
BHL:365 Trailblazer Map
Downham Centenary Grants
Ella Roberta statue unveiling
Refugee Week
Black History Lewisham 365
The Broadway
People's Day
Celebrate Pride 2025
Open House London
Windrush Day
Living in Lewisham
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Crofton Park
Forest Hill
Grove Park
Hither Green
Lee Green
Perry Vale
Rushey Green
Lewisham Central
New Cross
Telegraph Hill
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Lewisham town centre
Deptford and New Cross
Affordable housing
Parks and open spaces
Regeneration strategy
School building programme
Major transport and infrastructure projects
Travelling community
Parks and open spaces
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Local parks
Nature reserves
Biodiversity in Lewisham
Parks and open spaces strategy
Exercise and fitness in parks
Get fit and improve our green spaces with Nature's Gym
Park user groups
Sport and leisure
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Leisure centres
Let's get Lewisham moving
Leisure discounts with the Be Active scheme
Get active
Sports facilities
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Farmers' markets
Catford markets
Deptford markets
Lewisham market
Arts and entertainment
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London Borough of Culture
Your local arts
Resources and advice for arts organisations
Promoting your arts activities
Support for creatives
Cultural venues in the borough
Arts volunteering
Find an arts course or class in the borough
Interactive map
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Local history and heritage
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Community safety
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Hate crime
Neighbourhood watch and help preventing scams
Reducing violence
Stay safe in the night time economy
Domestic abuse and violence against women and girls (VAWG)
Antisocial behaviour
Restorative justice
Lewisham Prevent programme
Pledge to victims of crime
CCTV cameras in the borough
Useful websites about policing and public safety
Tackling poverty
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Ask us anything
You can ask us things like
How to pay council tax
How to get a visitor parking permit
I need employment support