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Lewisham's unsung heroes celebrated at awards ceremony

The Mayor of Lewisham's Community Awards 2023 were held on Thursday 23 March. They are an annual opportunity to say a big thank you to the borough's unsung local heroes, who go above and beyond to support our community.

With over 250 nominations this year, it's fair to say generosity of spirit is alive and kicking in Lewisham. Each recipient had an inspirational story to share and we have spotlighted one from each of the four categories below.

A young white woman with long dark brown hair, wearing a dark coat and top. She is standing in a park.Young Person (Under 21): Sadie Pattison

“Sadie’s the best person I could ever ask for, for a friend.”

Sadie received an award for her volunteer work with peer-to-peer organisation, Buddies for All which sees her support disabled people to overcome social isolation and loneliness. She meets them for walks, coffee, pizza nights and bowling. She is described as ‘wise beyond her years’ and has made a fantastic difference to the lives of her buddies.

Watch Sadie's film here.

A white woman wearing a black blouse, wearing black-rimmed glasses, with blonde shoulder length hairIndividual: Agnieszka Lokaj

"We know, I know, we changed people’s lives."

Agnieszka is Chair of the Lewisham Polish Centre. Almost overnight, she became the main organiser of a massive humanitarian response within Lewisham to assist those who were displaced as a result of the war in Ukraine.

She worked tirelessly, leading a large group of volunteers who collected and sorted donations as well as securing drivers, ensuring the goods were delivered where they were most needed. She also welcomed and supported Ukrainian families who were granted visas to enter the UK.

Watch Agnieszka's film.

Two young women smiling at the camera. The one on the left is white with long, dark brown hair and she is wearing a school uniform with tie. The one on the right is of mixed ethnicity and has brown curly shoulder length hair, she is wearing a white t-shirt and a grey blazerCommunity or faith group: Bank of Things

"You can come and get anything you need and nobody judges you."

With 1 in 5 of the UK population living below the poverty line and the massive impact of the current cost of living crisis on household budgets, children and young people need additional support.

This fantastic community initiative supports young residents aged 11-25 who are facing hardship - providing everyday essentials and school supplies. It also offers a safe space to access advice.

This helps to build their confidence to thrive in education, work and within the wider community. Founded in early 2022, this initiative has already made a massive difference in the lives of young people living in Lewisham.

Watch Bank of Things' film.

Five people standing in a gym. They are a mix of genders but all are white except the person in the middle who is a young black man, wearing a black outfit - his top sayd 'Base 13' in gold lettersBusiness: Base 13

"I'm really proud of the community Henry's created."

Base 13 is a personal training and fitness studio in Lee. Staying true to its motto ‘together we are stronger,’ this local business nurtures and supports its members.

It also raises thousands of pounds for local charities through group challenges, including those supporting young people in sports and food banks. On the day war was declared in Ukraine it raised over £1000 to buy and donate emergency supplies.

Watch Base 13's film.

With thanks to this year's sponsors:

All the sponsors logos for the Mayor of Lewisham Community Awards 2023 - Lewisham Local; Lewisham Homes; Phoenix Community Housing; Regular Cleaning; Goldsmith' s, University of London; Elkins Construction; Watkin Jones Group

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