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Mayor of Lewisham announces extension of free school meals over half term

Statement from the Mayor of Lewisham on the extension of free school meals over half term.

Damien Egan said:

"This week the government withdrew support for free school meals for children during school holidays. In Lewisham 12,479 children rely on them and this decision has left many families and schools in a difficult position. My family relied on them when I was growing up and so I know how important they are in ensuring children don’t go hungry. We can’t stand by and let this happen.

I’m incredibly proud of the campaigning work Lewisham’s Mayoresses have been doing on this issue and would ask anyone who is able to, to donate to their fundraising efforts.

Today I am also pleased to announce that, with the councils support, Lewisham schools will be stepping up and filling the gap this half term. Children who need free school meals will get them and families should speak directly with their school to arrange this.

I’m proud of the support our schools are giving the community, but they shouldn’t have to do this and I urge the Government to think again. Many families face the prospect of a tough winter, and a Government that cannot ensure children do not go hungry is failing in its most basic duty."

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