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Conisborough College academisation order

Lewisham Council is strongly opposed to the government’s attempt to force Conisborough College to join a multi-academy trust.

We are committed to an approach where schools work together and with us, within a framework of shared values and common goals. All Lewisham schools – whatever their governance status – have joined us in adopting a new education strategy, committing to working together in partnership.

This approach is delivering for local children; since 2019 the proportion of local schools rated good or outstanding has risen from below 90% to 98% - above national and London averages. Not a single Lewisham school has been rated inadequate since 2016 – again, far better than the national picture. Exam results have markedly improved. On the government’s own measure of progress, Lewisham secondary schools are doing better than most across the country.

It is our view that schools joining multi academy trusts (MATs) is not generally the best option, for them or the wider community of schools. That is even more the case where academisation is forced upon schools without regard to the views and needs of a school’s pupils, parents or staff, and the wider school community.

In the case of Conisborough, the school has not chosen to join a multi-academy trust. Nor has it been found inadequate by an Ofsted inspection (which has until now been the trigger for forced academisation).

Lewisham Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Councillor Chris Barnham said:

“We are wholly opposed to attempts to force any of our schools into a multi-academy trust against their wishes. It amounts to an act of vandalism against an inclusive local comprehensive school system that is demonstrably improving the education offer for local children.”

If the government presses ahead, they should conduct a full consultation, including a ballot of parents, and listen carefully to the views of parents, staff, and the wider community.

Whatever the outcome, and the future governance arrangements, the school continues to serve Lewisham children. It is crucial that it can continue to work within the structure of partnership that Lewisham schools have established. To that end, we will work closely with the school and others to do what we can to ensure that it continues to progress as part of the Lewisham family of schools.

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