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Lewisham Celebrates National Apprenticeship Week

We are marking National Apprenticeship Week 2021 by shining a light on the contribution that apprentices and their employers have made to the borough during the pandemic.

With the rate of unemployment rising across the country, Lewisham Council have expanded our apprenticeship programme to support the local economy and provide opportunities for residents. Over 600 apprentices have been recruited through the Mayor of Lewisham’s Apprenticeship Programme, into roles including public health, publishing, repairs, gardening and customer services.

All apprentices in the programme are paid at the national minimum wage of £8.20 an hour or above, and all Council apprentices receive the London Living Wage of £10.85 an hour.

Since the programme began in 2009, 74% of apprentices have moved on to a permanent role and 82% of Council apprenticeships have progressed into permanent employment.

Mayor of Lewisham, Damien Egan at the 2019 Lewisham Apprenticeships Awards

Mayor of Lewisham, Damien Egan at the 2019 Lewisham Apprenticeships Awards

Damien Egan, Mayor of Lewisham said:

“I want to thank all of Lewisham’s apprentices for their hard work and the contribution they have made during the past year, which has been so challenging.

“We are thankful to all the businesses, organisations and partners that have supported the Mayor’s Apprenticeship Programme and helped us to recruit almost 600 apprentices to a wide variety of roles.

“So whether you are someone who is considering starting an apprenticeship - and remember that they are open to people of all ages - or if you are a business that think you may be able to offer an apprenticeship please get in touch as we’d love to hear from you.”

Cllr Kevin Bonavia, Cabinet Member for Democracy, Refugees and Accountability said:

“We know apprentices bring energy, enthusiasm and new ideas to businesses and we want more local employers to provide apprenticeship opportunities.

“Those that recruit before the end of March can benefit from a hiring bonus of up to £2,000, along with support from the Council, including training costs and recruitment.

“We will continue to support our community and local businesses through these challenging times.”

Genesis Adeleye, an apprentice who joined the Council’s Public Health team in December 2020Genesis Adeleye, an apprentice who joined the Council’s Public Health team in December 2020 said:

“I saw the advert and applied for it. I have studied public health so this is the perfect role for me. It is great to be part of it for real during such an important time. I find it fulfilling to be part of an organisation like the council that helps improves people’s lives.”

One of the organisations taking part in the Mayor’s Apprenticeship Programme is Phoenix Housing, who have recruited several apprenticeships through the programme

Jos Barnett of Phoenix Community Housing said:

“We’ve offered dozens of apprenticeships to Lewisham residents over the years. Apprentices bring fresh energy and creativity to our organisation and really make a positive difference among our staff.

“At a time when we know that COVID-19 is having a real impact on the livelihoods of Lewisham residents, it’s more important than ever that we do all we can to offer these kind of opportunities to support more people into employment.”

Details on how to apply for - or to offer - apprenticeship opportunities.

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