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Deptford Neighbourhood Action Neighbourhood Forum re-designation decision

At a meeting of Mayor and Cabinet on Wednesday 6 October 2021, planning officers will recommend that Deptford Neighbourhood Action are not re-designated as the neighbourhood forum for the local area, following consultation with local residents.

You can read the full Mayor and Cabinet report here.

Who are Deptford Neighbourhood Action?

Deptford Neighbourhood Action (DNA) were originally designated as the neighbourhood forum for an area covering parts of Evelyn, New Cross and Brockley wards in 2016.

The designation was made for a five-year period and lapsed in February 2021. An application for re-designation was made in February 2021.

Why have Deptford Neighbourhood Action not been recommended for re-designation?

A six-week public consultation took place on DNA’s application for re-designation. The results of this consultation showed an unusually high number of objections from the local community, with 50% (17 out of 34 respondents) objecting to re-designation.  For comparison, in other neighbourhood forums, re-designation consultation in Lewisham has typically seen between 93-97% support.

Concerns were raised in the consultation that DNA were not representative of the area or the views of many of the communities living in the area, as well as allegations of abusive behaviour towards residents and Council officers.

Given the level of objection and the nature of the concerns raised, officers have recommended that Mayor and Cabinet refuse the application for re-designation of the Deptford Neighbourhood Action forum.

A full report setting out the rationale behind this recommendation will be presented to Mayor and Cabinet for decision in October.

What will happen to the Neighbourhood Planning process in this area?

We remain committed to supporting Neighbourhood Planning in Lewisham and empowering communities to help guide development in their local area.

Subject to Mayor and Cabinet approval, officers will seek to work with all community groups in the area to establish whether a neighbourhood planning process could take place which incorporates the views of all groups in the area and the general public.

It is hoped that this may provide a positive way of continuing the Neighbourhood Planning process in this area, with the support and involvement of the wider community.

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