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Be a vaccine volunteer and add your story to Lewishams living archive

As the NHS calls out for more volunteers to support COVID-19 vaccination clinics across Lewisham, a local archive project reveals moving stories from those who have given their time over the last nine months.

More local volunteers are now urgently needed as the NHS looks to open up all services again and prepares for a COVID-19 vaccination booster programme.

Catford residents, Mark and Vicky, both volunteers at Downham Health Centre, were so moved by the local enthusiasm to help that they’ve put together Lewisham Vaccination Stories of the vaccination programme in the words of the people from the borough, an audio and written archive of recollections from local people on what motivated them to give up their time to volunteer and what they’ve gained through the experience. The site also includes contributions from local people who have been vaccinated and people across the borough who have made the vaccination effort happen.

For Laura, a full-time teacher and volunteer at the Downham vaccination centre, meeting new team members on each shift reminds of her previous job as cabin crew for Virgin Atlantic when she was never sure who she might work with. She even once mistakenly called the patients “passengers”! Laura says that being a volunteer has helped her get used to mixing with people again, a transition that many have struggled with: “It makes you feel like a human again.”

‘A’, a doctor from Syria and recent resident in Lewisham, was deeply moved by the voluntary effort and how local people “kept coming for months” and despite being tired there was a commitment to “keep their city safe”. On the experience of volunteering, ‘A’ said: “I will remember every moment there as a first job for me in the NHS and the UK in general.”

Robyn, a volunteer vaccinator in Lewishamsaid:

“The message requesting volunteers came from my GP surgery, just days after my Dad had died.

“He missed his 1st vaccination by just 10 days, so when I saw the opportunity to see others his age get vaccinated, and feel the relief of not living in fear of COVID, plus the chance to soon be able to see loved ones in person again, I knew that it would be a good type of bereavement therapy.”

For Eden, deciding to volunteer with the vaccination effort was driven by a desire to interact with the local community and be part of the “human connection within adversity”. Eden has been surprised at how many people just want to talk and the range of cultures and personalities that came together. Eden said:

“I think most about people’s eyes, and the emotions they carried… Every person brings a unique story with them, and to get a glimpse into the life of Lewisham through this job showed me the deep diversity in London and its people.”

Dr Catherine Mbema, Lewisham’s Director of Public Health, said:

“There are so many reasons why people choose to volunteer and this project brings together the very best of Lewisham’s community with a collection of emotional and inspiring stories. If you can spare a morning or afternoon each week, please do think about being part of this amazing team of volunteers.

“You don’t need any specific skills or experience beyond patience and kindness. Whatever your background, volunteering is an opportunity to gain skills, meet new people, and be part of a borough-wide effort to keep Lewisham safe.”

Martin Wilkinson, Director of Integrated Care and Commissioning, Lewisham Council and NHS South East London Clinical Commissioning Group said:

“The NHS is very grateful for the fantastic support of all our volunteers. Our volunteers have been essential to delivering the vaccination programme and we are delighted that we are able to share so many experiences through this project. As we look to the vaccination booster programme, volunteers are needed as much as ever to help us to keep local residents healthy and safe.”

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