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Funding community projects - Ignition Brewery

In partnership with Lewisham Mencap, Ignition Brewery will be using funding from our borough-wide NCIL fund to secure employment opportunities for local residents with learning disabilities and encourage inclusive employment practices across Lewisham.

We’re funding 25 community projects across Lewisham with money from our borough-wide NCIL fund. Nearly £900k is being invested, with an additional £260k secured in match funding.

We spoke to Nick from Ignition Brewery to find out more about how they will be using this funding.

How will Ignition Brewery be using this funding?

Ignition’s purpose is to create meaningful jobs for people with learning disabilities that pay the London Living Wage. Our project will create training opportunities, secure qualifications required for employment, and create enterprises – such as Ignition Ice Cream – which will create jobs and make great products.

Person pouring hops into a beer fermenter. They are wearing a white shirt and white apron.

Why is this work so important in Lewisham?

Nationally, 94% of people with learning disabilities are unemployed. This is a waste of their talent and potential. Through our collaboration with Lewisham Mencap, we have identified a significant need for more employment and enterprise opportunities across Lewisham for people with learning disabilities.
With Lewisham due to become Borough of Culture in 2022, this is a great time for us to promote and showcase the talents of people with learning disabilities in the borough.

How can the wider community help support your work?

Please get involved! Buy our beer, buy our ice cream. The more popular our products, the more jobs we create.

If you are an employer looking for reliable staff who are great with customers, talk to us about how we could find you a new team member with commitment, people skills and the qualifications needed.

You can find out more about Ignition Brewery on their website.

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