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COVID-19 in Lewisham - 2 December update

Dr Catherine Mbema, our Director of Public Health, shares the latest update on steps to protect our community from coronavirus: how we can all help to limit the spread of the Omicron COVID-19 variant; new rules announced this week; and guidance on vaccinations.

Cases of the Omicron COVID-19 variant have been confirmed in Lewisham – as well as in other parts of London and the UK – and I want to reassure Lewisham residents that we have good processes in place for managing variant cases. We have been working with the UK Health Security Agency to ensure that robust contact tracing has taken place – and we will continue to do so, should any further cases be identified.

There is a lot we still don’t know about this new variant, and we must do all we can to limit its spread – and COVID-19 infection rates generally. To help protect yourself, your loved ones and the community as a whole please:

  • Get a PCR test if you have symptoms, no matter how mild
  • Isolate if asked to do so
  • Wear a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces
  • Ventilate rooms
  • Use the NHS COVID-19 app.

It is never too late to get your COVID-19 vaccine - be it your first, second or booster dose. There are walk-in clinics across the borough and you can find details of how to get your vaccine as soon as you can in the Lewisham section of the South East London NHS website. Please also see the sections below on vaccinations.

New rules and various updates have been issued by the Government over the past week and it’s easy to feel confused. Here’s a summary of the new rules, with links to more detailed information.

New rules: face masks, PCR tests, self-isolation and foreign travel

Face masks: We must all wear face masks in certain settings – including shops and on public transport - unless we are exempt. You can find the full list of settings where face masks must be worn on the Government website. If you fail to wear a face mask you may be fined.

PCR tests: If you’re coming to England from abroad, you must take a PCR test before the end of day 2 following your arrival, and self-isolate until you get a negative test result – even if you’re fully vaccinated.

Self-isolation: Anyone who has come into contact with an individual who may have been infected with the Omicron variant will need to self-isolate. This will apply even if you are fully vaccinated or aged 18 or under. If this is the case, NHS Test and Trace will contact you.

Foreign travel: New countries have been added to the travel red list. You can only enter England from these countries if you are a UK or Irish resident, and must adhere to strict quarantine and testing rules. Find detailed information about the travel red list.

Are you up-to-date with your COVID-19 vaccination doses?

Now is the time to make sure you’re up to date with your COVID-19 vaccination doses. If you’ve had two doses of the vaccine and are aged 40 or over, you can now get a booster jab at any of our walk-in vaccination clinics - and if you are eligible for the flu jab (find info on eligibility) you can get that too!

From Monday (6 December), the walk-in vaccination clinic at University Hospital Lewisham on Lewisham High Street (SE13 6LH) moves from three to six days a week, 8am – 4.30pm. Anyone aged 12 or over can get the vaccine they are eligible for. Meanwhile, the clinic continues to be open on Friday and Saturday (3 and 4 December).

As highlighted in my last blog post, three pharmacies in the borough offer the vaccine on weekday evenings. You can walk in without an appointment to get your first, second or booster dose. Evening vaccination clinics run at these pharmacies:

  • New Cross Pharmacy, Amersham Vale, SE14 6LD - Mon-Fri 7-9pm
  • Vantage Pharmacy, Conisborough Crescent, SE6 2SP - Mon-Fri 7-9pm
  • Lewisham Pharmacy, Lee High Rd, SE13 5PJ - Mon-Fri 6-8pm.

Find more information on COVID vaccination and local walk-in clinics in the Lewisham section of the South East London NHS website

Booster doses for 18-39 year olds

Earlier this week, the Prime Minister announced that booster doses would be offered to all adults by the end of January. This is great news, but please be aware that this roll-out has not yet begun. If you are in this age group, please wait to be invited for your booster. If you arrive at a walk-in clinic before you have been contacted, you may be turned away.

Continue to test

It’s really important to take a rapid lateral flow test if you are going to be in a high-risk situation that day, or before you visit people who are at higher risk of severe illness. You are at a higher risk if you are in an enclosed or crowded space, or there is limited fresh air. If your test result is positive, please isolate.

Rapid test kits can be collected at sites across the borough. Find more information on rapid testing - including how to get test kits - on our website.

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