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Privacy notice – Safeguarding Quality Assurance Service

Information about how and when the Safeguarding Quality Assurance Service processes personal information about you.

What we do

The Safeguarding Quality Assurance Service includes:

  • Safeguarding Team
  • Placement Review Team
  • Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Team
  • Quality Assurance (Practice)
  • Mental Health of Older Adults Team

The Safeguarding Quality Assurance Service consists of a number of different teams working with vulnerable adults and their carers. The Safeguarding Team complete safeguarding enquiries in relation to service users receiving care from a variety of commissioned services and act as a source of advice and support in relation to safeguarding practice across other Adult Social Care Teams.

The Placement Review Team are responsible for completing reviews and casework for those people who are living in residential or nursing homes in and outside of Lewisham.

The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Team (DOLS) helps to protect those aged over 18 who lack mental capacity, when they receive care or treatment in a care home or hospital. Sometimes people need more care and protection than others to ensure their well-being is maintained and they do not suffer any harm. Treating and caring for people who need extra protection may mean restricting what they can or cannot do which amounts to a deprivation of their liberty. The DOLS are responsible for ensuring that such arrangements are independently scrutinized and authorized and that they are in the person’s best interests and necessary to prevent harm.

The Quality Assurance Team consists of the principal social worker for adults and advanced practitioners responsible for promoting good social work practice.

The Mental Health of Older Adults Service is a small team of social workers co-located with other professionals responsible for supporting adults aged over 65 years of age with complex mental health issues or dementia.

What information we collect

The information we collect from you may include:

  • name
  • address
  • date of birth
  • contact details
  • marital status
  • gender
  • ethnicity
  • sexual orientation
  • religious beliefs
  • details of disability, impairment or vulnerability
  • details of your accommodation that is shared with us
  • national insurance number
  • GP details
  • information about your care and support needs
  • information about your mental capacity
  • safeguarding enquires that have been completed
  • adaptations or equipment you have
  • informal carers information
  • next of kin details
  • whether someone holds POA, LPOA, deputyship or appointeeship for you
  • housing status
  • advocate details if you have one, or have had one
  • benefits details
  • bank or building society details
  • financial details
  • professionals involved in your care.

Agencies we might share the information with

  • Health agencies
  • Police
  • Other borough councils
  • Independent mental capacity advocates
  • Care providers and care homes
  • Drug and alcohol services
  • Probation and courts
  • Legal department
  • Finance department
  • Fraud department
  • Housing department
  • Children Social Care department
  • Contracts and Commissioning department

Why we process your information

We process information to:

  • service delivery
  • service improvement
  • prevention/detection of crime/fraud
  • service planning.
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