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Primary school pupils celebrate switch to greener heating system

Celebrations were to be had all around at Dalmain Primary School as excited year 6 pupils joined the Mayor of Lewisham Damien Egan and cabinet members to switch off one of the school’s gas boilers and champion its transition towards a greener heating system.

Mayor Damien Egan, Cllr Patrick Codd, Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport and Cllr Chris Barnham, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services and Schools Performance, joined pupils and teachers from Dalmain to mark a key step in its journey to net zero emissions.

The school building where the boiler was switched off is one of the first Council buildings to be taken off gas heating. After the half-term holidays, Dalmain will be using a newly-installed air source heat pump, which uses heat from the air to generate heating and hot water, as part of the Council’s work to reach net zero emissions by 2030.

The Mayor and Councillors were also treated to a walk around the school’s Climate Emergency art exhibition by the pupils, who’ve created impactful paintings, sculptures and drawings that highlight the urgent need to take action against climate change and what people can do to help, including using less electricity and protecting local green spaces.

Elizabeth, year 6, said: “It’s really good our school is trying to help our environment. Climate change has had a huge impact on our planet."

Harry, year 6, said: “I think the work being done to the school is beneficial to our school and the environment.”

The pupils also enjoyed visiting the nearby Brockley Rise adult learning centre where works are being completed on a ground source heat pump, which will use heat stored in the ground to power the building’s heating and hot water. Brockley Rise is one of three adult learning centres in Lewisham undergoing eco-improvements over the next few months.

The children were encouraged to ask questions about how the pump works and why it’s important to Cllr Codd; Robert Swift, the site manager who’s working on the pump’s installation; and Eduard Lloret and Jason Stoyel, Energy Engineer and Business Development Manager respectively at renewable energy company Ameresco, which is delivering the works on behalf of the Council.

These improvements are part of the Council’s work to deliver on the commitments set out in its Climate Emergency Action Plan, which was recently recognised as one of the best performing Climate Plans in the country by Climate Emergency UK.

Damien Egan, Mayor of Lewisham, said: “Well done to everyone at Dalmain Primary School for all the work you are doing to move towards using clean and green energy. It is good to see first-hand the inspiring work that the children and teachers have been doing to explore the impact of the climate crisis and why we need to take urgent action against it.

“Today we have also seen the progress that’s been happening with the ground source heat pump’s installation at Brockley Rise adult learning centre - one of three centres we’re making greener, as part of the Council’s commitment to have net zero carbon emissions by 2030."

Cllr Patrick Codd, Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, said: “It was wonderful to be at Dalmain Primary School to celebrate their switch to a cleaner and greener heating system.

“Buildings make up a huge amount of the borough’s carbon emissions if they’re relying on gas for heating and hot water, which is why we’re working with schools, adult learning centres and other buildings to introduce greener forms of energy, as part of our commitment to reaching net zero emissions by 2030 - 20 years earlier than central government.

“We continue to be inspired by local children and young people’s passion for protecting the environment and we will keep working with our schools and communities on our journey to net zero emissions.”

Erika Eisele, Headteacher, Dalmain Primary School, said: “Our staff and pupils have been working tirelessly with the Council and other partners to create a greener Lewisham, and it was wonderful to join pupils, teachers, the Mayor and Cllr Codd to mark another step in our borough’s fight against climate change.

“This switch away from gas heating goes hand-in-hand with other climate projects we’ve been working on, including our climate emergency art exhibition, which uses recycled materials to communicate the importance of caring for the planet.”

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