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Rapid testing survey response and FAQs

We had a fantastic response to our recent survey on rapid testing. Nearly all who responded were in favour of being tested for COVID-19 even without symptoms. Those that weren't, gave us some interesting reasons as to why. We're taking this opportunity to debunk a few of those myths.

Lewisham rapid testing survey response and FAQs

A huge thanks to everybody who took part in our recent survey on rapid COVID-19 testing. We’ve had a fantastic response with almost 3,000 participants taking the time to share their views. Our findings are overwhelmingly positive in favour of rapid testing.

  • 94% of you said you would take a test even without displaying COVID-19 symptoms
  • The main reason you gave is to stop the spread of the virus and protect the vulnerable
  • Over a third would take the test to help us better understand infection rates so Public Health can respond to outbreaks more effectively
  • A quarter of you would take a test in order to speed up a return to normal life (fewer restrictions)

However, we did get some very interesting reasons as to why people wouldn’t take a test. We’re taking this opportunity to debunk the myths and answer some of your questions below.

Frequently asked questions

1. What’s the point in getting tested if I don’t feel ill?

Taking a COVID-19 test without symptoms is really important because it will help us understand how prevalent the virus is within our community. It is thought that as many as 1 in 3 who have COVID-19 don’t display symptoms. Rapid, or lateral flow, tests can help us identify those individuals who may have COVID-19 without symptoms and this is an important step in helping to stop the spread of the virus.

2. If I take a test without displaying symptoms, won’t I be depriving a key worker or somebody else who genuinely needs one?

Not at all, there are plenty of tests available. Testing capacity has doubled across the country since August. If you do have symptoms, the most important thing you can do is to stay home (self-isolate) and take a test. Go to nhs.uk/coronavirus or call 119.

Getting a test has ever been so quick and easy in Lewisham. Alongside testing sites in Catford and Deptford, a new Local Testing Unit is now open seven days a week at Molesworth Car Park (Molesworth St, London SE13 7DS) from 8am to 8pm every day.

3. How accurate is rapid testing? I’ve heard the rate of false positives is high.

If you test positive, you will be asked to take a regular test to corroborate it. This reduces the risk of a false positive. We will allocate a priority slot for you so this can take place as quickly as possible.

  • Is it true the test is uncomfortable?
    • The test is a short and simple process, designed for children as well as adults. You might feel a minor discomfort when the test is administered but it’ll be over and done with very quickly.

4. I’ve heard it’s difficult to get a test and I don’t want to travel miles for one. Will there be a local testing centre within easy reach of my home/ job?

Getting a test has never been so easy and there are local testing centres in Deptford (Vanguard Street) and Lewisham (Molesworth Street) as well as the Mobile Testing Unit in Catford. You can also arrange for a test to be delivered to your home so there are plenty of convenient options.

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