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COVID-19 in Lewisham - 15 January update

Dr Catherine Mbema, our Director of Public Health shares the latest update on coronavirus in our borough and the steps we can all take to help protect ourselves and everyone in our communities.

More over 60s testing positive for COVID-19

The number of people testing positive for COVID-19 in Lewisham remains high with the borough’s seven-day infection rate over 1,035 per 100,000 today. Among the over 60s age group it’s even higher - 1,069 per 100,000 – which shows that the virus is being spread widely among our community.

We know the risk of getting more seriously ill from COVID-19 increases with age so this suggests we might see more people go to hospital in the next week or so. London’s hospitals are under significant pressure and this will further add to the strain on the NHS in South East London.

Sadly, more people are dying with COVID-19 in Lewisham with now over 300 deaths being reported from Lewisham since the start of the pandemic.

A lot of people with COVID-19 don’t have symptoms – as many as 1 in 3 – and these people will be spreading the virus without realising, putting their loved ones and those around them at risk. At this time, it is vital that we all follow the guidance to protect everyone in our community, especially the most vulnerable.

COVID-19 vaccination

The NHS has now vaccinated over two and a quarter (2.25) million people for COVID-19 across the country. As more people are vaccinated in Lewisham, we reduce the risk the virus poses to ourselves, our loved ones and the most vulnerable in our community. I would strongly encourage all of those invited for vaccination to take up the offer.

The NHS will contact you when you are eligible for the vaccination. When they do contact you, please attend your booked appointments at exactly the time you’re asked to, so that we can avoid queues in this cold weather. Please also continue to follow all the guidance in place to control the virus and save lives, even if you have already had your vaccine.

Yesterday, I worked with local GPs and colleagues at South East London Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to host a webinar to provide factual information and answer questions about the COVID-19 vaccination. We were joined by 500 residents. We will repeat this webinar on 28 January. Find out more about the upcoming COVID-19 vaccination webinar.

We want to know more about how people will respond to the invitation when it’s their time for the COVID-19 vaccination, so we’re asking residents to complete a short survey.

We’d like to learn more to help make sure we’re providing the right information for everyone through our webinars and other communications, so please take a few moments to complete the survey when you can. Fill out our COVID-19 vaccine survey.

You can find up-to-date information on the vaccination programme and answers to some commonly asked questions on the NHS South East London CCG website.

Community testing

Rapid COVID-19 tests are now available in Catford for all those without symptoms who are unable to work from home.

The free test takes around 20 minutes and the results are delivered quickly, usually within an hour.

Tests are available seven days a week throughout the day.

You should get tested if you are out in the community or coming into regular contact with customers and colleagues. Tests are also available to those doing voluntary work, working in an essential shop or supermarket as well as anyone in the same household or support bubble of a critical worker.

If you need to visit someone’s home for essential work - as a carer, a tradesperson or delivery driver, you can also get a test.

We have tested thousands of people who live and work in Lewisham already, helping those who do test positive to self-isolate safely and get self-isolation support. Tell your friends, neighbours and work colleagues and anyone who needs one to book a test today.

Thank you to those that have already taken up this offer to help Keep Lewisham Safe.

Book a rapid COVID-19 test.

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COVID-19 in Lewisham - 22 January update
Rapid testing survey response and FAQs
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