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Bringing health and social care together

We are working with the Lewisham Clinical Commissioning Group to bring about a transformation in the way that health and social care services are provided in Lewisham.

Together we have developed joint commissioning intentions which propose how we will work closely together to provide coordinated and person-centred care for our residents.

By working together we can make sure the right care is provided in the right place and at the right time to meet your health and social care needs.

Our priorities are to:

  • Encourage and support people to improve their health and wellbeing and stay well

  • Provide strong GP practices and primary care services that help people to stay well and get better more quickly

  • Provide coordinated support for people with long term conditions. Help them to take better care of themselves so that they can remain independent for longer

  • Enable more people to stay at home and not be admitted into hospital and  help those who are admitted to return home as soon as possible

  • Provide joined up services for children and young people that provide high quality support when it is needed

  • Make sure we have everything in place to support our transformational plans for providing joined up care.

Please read our joint commissioning intentions and the summary version to get a better understanding of what we are proposing. 

The integration of health and social care is an important project for us all over the coming years. Find out more about our plans.

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