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Our long-term strategy for low-emission vehicles

Find out about our plans to facilitate electric vehicle use

Our low-emission vehicle charging strategy (2018-2022)

We are committed to making Lewisham carbon neutral by 2030, as set out in Lewisham’s Climate Change Action Plan. Although the overall aim of our transport strategy is to encourage more walking, cycling and public transport journeys, we also recognise the need to support the use of electric vehicles for essential car journeys. The ownership of electric vehicles is increasing, and the expansion of the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) is likely to further increase this demand.

Our low-emission vehicle charging strategy (LEVCS) details our current priorities and associated programmes for facilitating electric vehicle use and will be kept under regular review. The main programme within the strategy is electric vehicle (EV) charge point installation.

The LEVCS’s core vision is to ensure that all of Lewisham’s residents, businesses and visitors are within 500m of a charging point by 2021, with a range of options available that remain fit for purpose and encourage further uptake of low emission vehicles. The borough is currently on track to meet this target.

We have secured funding from the Go Ultra Low City Scheme (GULCS) to deploy a network of residential EV charge points across the borough, which supplements funding from TfL and the private sector.

Read our low-emission vehicle charging strategy for 2018–2022.

Expanding our network of charge points

We already have a network of over 100 charge points (a combination of 50kw, 7kw and 5kw points). In the short term, we will be installing further 3-7kw chargers.

New charging points are installed in regular batches, with further sites planned for installation by summer 2021, which will help to achieve the 500m target set as part of the LEVCS (see above).

We review sites based on requests submitted by residents for new charge points, along with information on areas of likely high demand, proximity to existing charge points and as we identify each potential location, we introduce site feasibility criteria that will be considered and applied. This includes factors such as sufficient power distribution, minimum distances from specific utilities, and ensuring that adequate footway clearances are maintained

Ward Members and residents will be consulted on the locations prior to installation. Any 7kw or 50kw points will require planning consent.

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