Using our planning website
Planning fees will increase from 1 April 2025.
Our online planning applications service allows users to:
- search current and past planning applications by address or planning application number
- track current planning applications and receive notification when the status of the application changes
- view the decision notice
- view the constraints on the planning application
- view drawings and documents associated with the case
- view any related cases
- view the Case Officer details
- make a comment
- make an objection
- view the number of comments that have been made in respect of the application
The online service is very easy to use. You do not need to register to use our online planning applications service, however registering means you will be able to:
- save searches – click on the save search button on the search results page. Saved searches can be re-run automatically, notifying you by email of search results matching your criteria.
There are two types of notification:
- new search results – if you save a search and select the option to be notified of new results matching your saved search criteria, your search will be re-run automatically and new results will be added to your notification list
- tracked application changes – if you track an application and the status of this application changes or a document is added to this application, it will be added to your notified applications list
There are also a number of search criteria that users are able to use:
- simple search – search for planning applications, appeals and enforcements by key word, application reference number, postcode or by a single line of address
- advanced search – search for planning applications, appeals and enforcements by matching at least one search option
- weekly list/monthly list – search validated or decided applications in a given week or month
- public notices – view public notices for applications that have been advertised in a given week
Public access
Comments made including personal details submitted, can be seen by Councillors, the applicant and members of the public, although they are not currently published on our website. When such information is sent out electronically, we will endeavour not to include signatures, personal email addresses and telephone numbers.
We cannot be held responsible for representations from anyone commenting on planning applications, which may contain libellous or defamatory statements.
Objections or supporting comments on applications must be rational, impersonal and directed principally to the planning issues raised by the proposal. Comments of a personal, slanderous, libellous, defamatory, or otherwise offensive or abusive nature are not constructive or helpful to the process of determining a planning application and may result in action for libel.
If you do not want to register online
You will need either the application reference number or the address of the application site. This will allow you to be able to search online.
Using the Lewisham planning website
Pdf, 614.4KB