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Listed buildings

Information for residents who live in or want to make changes to a listed building.
Planning fees increasing

Planning fees are changing from 1 April 2025. Fees for planning applications will rise by 1.7%. A draft fee schedule is published on the Planning Portal. Other non-statutory planning fees will increase by an average of 2.7%.

Lewisham has around 368 nationally-listed building entries, most of which are Grade II.

38 listed buildings in the borough are Grade II* and two are Grade I (Boone's Chapel in Lee High Road and St Paul's Church in Deptford). The grades reflect their importance in nationwide terms although they all enjoy the same level of protection.

Listed building consent is required to make alterations to any part of the building, both inside and outside and includes works to detached structures in the grounds that date to before 1948, as well as items fixed to the building.  This enables us to ensure that parts of the building that contribute to its special interest are preserved. 

If you are considering carrying out works to your listed building, please contact us to find out whether consent is required. Unauthorised works to a listed building are a criminal offence.

Frequently asked questions

How can I find out if my house is listed?

You can find your building by looking at the post code or map search on the Historic England website.

Why is my house listed?

Buildings are listed by the Secretary of State with advice from Historic England for their special historical or architectural interest. Listed buildings are physical survivals of the past which should be valued and protected for their unique special interest.

They are not replaceable and once demolished or insensitively altered their special interest and their contribution to the historic environment is gone forever.

We therefore have a duty to preserve listed buildings, their features of special interest and their settings for future generations. For further information on the criteria used for listing, see the Historic England website.

Do I need consent to make alterations to a listed building?

Listed building consent is required to carry out works to a listed building which would affect its special interest. This includes the interiors (including fixtures and fittings) and exteriors of the building as well as boundary walls and other buildings within the 'curtilage' (usually the boundaries) of the listed building unless they were built after 1 July 1948.

What is Historic England's role?

Historic England is the government’s advisor on the historic environment and has responsibility for listing buildings.

When you make an application for listed building consent, Historic England may be notified by the local authority but it is the local authority that has responsibility for granting listed building consent.

Historic England produces many useful guidance and research and these are available on their website.

Where can I get more information about my listed building?

The National Monuments Record holds details of all listed buildings as well as wide ranging historical information. The Images of England website has photos of all buildings listed before 2001.

The Local Studies and Archives Centre based in Lewisham Library also has local historical information such as photographs, maps and records, and also books and advice on researching the history of your house.

Where can I get more information on looking after my listed building?

Historic England produces useful guidance on how to care for your listed building, as well as research and training. 

How do I make a listed building consent application?

Making an application for listed building consent is similar to making a planning application, although it is free of charge.

The easiest way to apply is through the online Planning Portal. Decisions will be made in 8 weeks in most cases.

For all but the smallest of alterations, you are strongly advised to employ a qualified conservation architect who will understand the requirements of your building and be able to devise sensitive and appropriate works.

How can I get advice on my proposals?

You are welcome to discuss your proposals and plans that will be needed with the conservation officer before making your application through our paying pre-application service.

Are there any grants available to help with works to listed buildings?

We do not give grants specifically for the conservation of listed buildings.

A few grants are available to private owners for domestic restoration purposes. There are, however, many grants available to charities for restoration projects, outlined on the Funds for Historic Buildings website.

How can I get a building listed?

Historic England is responsible for considering buildings for inclusion in the National Heritage List for England. You should visit their website and fill out the listing application form, giving the building’s address, photos and details of why you think it should be listed.

Buildings are only listed for their special architectural or historic interest and not for any other reasons. For further information on the criteria used for listing, see the Historic England website.

You can also get information on getting a building listed from the relevant amenity society, such as the Georgian Group, Victorian Society, Twentieth Century Society, Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings or Save Britain’s Heritage who may be also be able to support you in your request.

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