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Locally listed buildings

See a list of locally listed buildings, or find out how to nominate a building to be locally listed.
Planning fees increasing

Planning fees are changing from 1 April 2025. Fees for planning applications will rise by 1.7%. A draft fee schedule is published on the Planning Portal. Other non-statutory planning fees will increase by an average of 2.7%.

There are a large number of buildings in the borough that contribute significantly to its character and townscape.

While these buildings may not meet the national criteria for statutory listing, they add to the local distinctiveness of the borough and so are recognised by inclusion in the Local List.

We've compiled the Local List since the 1970s when the Grade III listing classification was abolished. The most recent additions were added in March 2020. There are over 250 entries on the list, which range from residential properties to public houses and stone boundary markers.

What are the implications of local listing?

Local listing is different from the statutory listing as there is no specific statutory protection for locally listed buildings outside conservation areas. 

Local listing status is a material consideration in the development control process and we have to take into account the desirability to sustain and enhance such assets when assessing planning applications. We will therefore encourage developers and owners to preserve buildings of local architectural or historic interest, and will as far as possible use our powers to protect their character and setting.

Nominate a building for local listing

Anyone can put forward a building for local listing. To be selected, the building must have a special local historic or architectural interest or could be old or rare.

Lewisham Council has adopted the following criteria for listed buildings within the borough – any one of which may in isolation be considered sufficient:

  • Historic interest – buildings that are of special social, cultural or economic interest to Lewisham, and/or have proven affiliation with important local people or events, or other community associations.
  • Architectural interest – buildings that are of special architectural interest to Lewisham for reasons of their vernacular, aesthetic, type, form, style, plan technology, townscape, unity, or association with important architects.
  • Age or rarity – buildings that are: legibly pre-1700 in interest; of appreciable interest from between 1700–1840; of a high level of interest post-1840; of an outstanding interest and less than 30 years old.

In line with current practice, locally listed buildings are identified to be of heritage significance based on the values set out in the Historic England 2008 publication, Conservation Principles, Policies and Guidance.

If you are confident that the building meets the selection criteria, please write to the Conservation team, giving the following information:

  • address of the building

  • photograph
  • architectural description (style, materials, location)
  • an explanation as to why the building should be included on the list – why is it locally important?

Once we receive your nomination we will assess the building against the adopted criteria for local listing and, if it is of sufficient merit, add it to our database in anticipation of the next round of proposals to be put to Mayor and Cabinet.

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