About parking tickets and parking enforcement
A penalty charge notice may be issued if your vehicle is:
parked on a yellow line during restricted times
not displaying a valid ticket or permit
not having a virtual parking cashless session
displaying an expired ticket/permit
not having a virtual parking permit
exceeding the maximum period of stay
parked on the pavement
not parked wholly in a bay
- parking in a bay when it has been suspended
How much do I pay?
The amount you have to pay is clearly stated on the penalty charge notice.
If we do not receive payment within the 14 day discount period you will be liable for the full amount. If you do not pay within 28 days then we will send a 'Notice to Owner' to the registered keeper of the vehicle.
Who issues parking penalty notices?
On red routes, TfL uses both CCTV cameras and Civil Enforcement Officers operating under contract with the Municipal Parking Services to enforce parking and moving traffic contraventions on the Transport for London Road Network. On all other roads in the borough, parking tickets are issued by our parking enforcement contractor, NSL Services.
How do I report pavement parking/parking on yellow lines?
- Pavement parking and parking on yellow lines is a parking contravention. If you wish to report, please call 020 8787 5397 and select option 5.
- Specific times for parking on single yellow lines will vary by location. Outside of these times you can park unless there are kerb markings. However, you should not park adjacent to a dropped kerb, even if this is marked by a single yellow line.
- Parking on double yellow lines is not permitted. Restrictions apply to double yellow lines 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- If pavement parking/partial pavement parking is permitted, signage at the location will be clearly displayed. Failure to comply may leave motorists liable to a PCN.
How do I report vehicles obstructing driveways?
- If you are a resident with a dropped kerb and you wish to report a vehicle obstructing your driveway, please call 020 8787 5397 and select option 5.
- Please note that we are only able to enforce obstructing vehicles on driveways if the resident of the property reports the obstruction. This is to avoid unnecessary enforcement of vehicles owned by residents.
How do I report parking in CPZ resident-only bays?
- If you believe a motorist is parking in a permit-only bay but does not possess the correct permit, please call 020 8787 5397 and select option 5.
- Whilst we can enforce vehicles without correct permits, please note that our e-permits are enforced via handheld devices and may not always display a physical Penalty Charge Notice.
Can I report motorbikes driving on the pavement?
- If you wish to report motorbikes driving on pavements, you will need to contact the Metropolitan Police.
How do I report an abandoned vehicle?
- If you wish to request the removal of a vehicle, please submit a request on: Lewisham Council - Abandoned, missing and nuisance vehicles
How do I report an idling vehicle?
- If you wish to report an idling vehicle, please call 020 8787 5397 and select option 5.
How do I request or submit feedback for a CPZ?
- Please use Lewisham Council - Introduction of new controlled parking zones to submit a request or feedback for CPZs.