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Housing policy library

See our policies.

These policies relate to the service we provide to tenants and leaseholders of residential properties in buildings owned and managed by Lewisham Council. Much of our housing stock was transferred back to Lewisham Council in October 2023, after a period of management by Lewisham Homes (at the time, our Arms Length Management Organisation, which was wholly owned by Lewisham Council). Many of the policies here will have been subject to resident consultation and scrutiny, either arranged by Lewisham Homes or the Council. We have updated our policies to reflect the new management arrangements but to otherwise reflect as near as possible those policies they directly replaced. 

For policies' unrelated to council housing see the general housing policies page.

Abandoned goods

This is in place to provide a clear, consistent approach to the way we identify, store, and dispose of items that have been left by tenants and their households within the properties that we directly manage. It also applies to items left in a garage or storage facility that we manage, where it was made available for a resident to use

Aids and adaptations

We provide minor and major adaptations in the properties we own and manage. Installing a major adaptation, such as a wet room or a through-lift, usually requires assessment and instruction from an Occupational Therapist (OT). Sometimes, we can organise minor adaptations for one of our tenants without needing them to wait for an OT assessment, such as a grab rail or lever tap

Alterations and improvements

This explains what a tenant or leaseholder must do if they wish to make an improvement or alteration to their property. It is in line with the tenancy and lease agreements. It includes information on where an unauthorised alteration has taken place and where someone may be seeking retrospective permission

Antisocial behaviour

This covers a variety of activities that could be classed as antisocial or nuisance behaviour and sets out our approach to dealing with this behaviour across the housing we directly manage. We may work with other services, including the police. We may use various tools depending on the circumstance, including impact on others. Tools may be used to prevent, control, reduce, support, or enforce


Asbestos is a hazardous material that was once widely used in construction. It requires specific safety measures to identify and monitor areas where it may still be located, especially where it could be disturbed, damaged, or being prepared for removal and disposal

Assignment of Tenancy

A tenancy can only be assigned in a few specific ways, as set out in this policy. This includes mutual exchange, other options, and when we may refuse to assign a tenancy

Breach of lease

We manage thousands of residential leasehold properties and a small number of shared ownership properties. Management includes providing services and relevant information, ensuring the terms of the lease are kept and taking appropriate action when they are not


This explains our approach to installing and monitoring CCTV and surveillance systems erected on land and buildings managed by our housing service.
Our approach is informed by legislation, including data protection. It sets out how we will respond to requests from residents who want to see footage from the equipment we install and explains our position when residents ask us to install their own equipment. See also our Alterations and Improvement policy

Clear corridors

This sets out how and why we require areas of many of our residential buildings to be kept clear and safe, in line with our more comprehensive approach to building and fire safety. It requires full cooperation from our residents to help us to keep risk to a minimum


Compensation is often considered in the context of a complaint. However, there are other forms of compensation, including statutory reasons, and sometimes, we may make a refund or reimbursement or offer a non-financial remedy. This policy covers these situations and has been developed in line with best practice including the Housing Ombudsman’s code of practice and dispute resolution principles


This is the complaints policy for housing services, and sets out how we will handle these complaints. It also explains the process for making a defined building safety complaint (high rise buildings). While this policy complements the Council’s wider complaints policy, most housing complaints come under the jurisdiction of a separate specialist Ombudsman for housing, and require us to follow a statutory code.

Damp and mould

This policy sets out how we will respond to reports of damp, mould, and associated leaks. It includes diagnosis and implementing a recommended solution. We recognise that the cause and remedy can be simple but that many cases are complex and multi-faceted, so we may need to consider a range of solutions as well as resident cooperation to fix the problem

Debt management

This policy outlines our approach to collecting and managing resident payments and debt. It includes different types of tenure, including tenants, shared owners, and leaseholders

Domestic abuse

This sets out how we, in our role as a housing provider, will support residents who may be dealing with the effects of domestic abuse

Electrical safety

As owners and managers of residential property, we have a duty of care to ensure that people can live in and use our buildings safely. We undertake regular checks to ensure we are keeping people safe from risks associated with electrical installations and equipment

Fire safety

As owners and managers of residential property, we have a duty of care to ensure that people can live in and use our buildings safely. This policy sets out how we will manage and monitor fire safety and associated risk and what we require of our residents to help us to reduce such risk


This policy explains how we will manage the allocation, maintenance and income collection for garages located on our housing estates

Gas safety

This explains the measures we put in place to ensure we are legally compliant with our landlord duty to ensure gas safety in the properties we manage. It also covers oil based fuel where this may be in place in properties we manage

Hate crime

This sets out our commitment to working with police and other partners to support residents and take action against perpetrators of hate based crime

Independent living

Many of our independent living schemes offer a guest room that residents can book for their visitors, subject to certain rules

Lifts and stairlifts

This shows how we will fulfil our duties to ensure the safe running of communal lifts and lifts and lifting equipment serving individual properties, for example, a property that has been adapted for someone with mobility needs

Mobility scooters

This sets out our position as to when, where, and subject to what criteria mobility scooters may be permitted to be used or stored in flatted buildings owned and managed by us. It applies to all residents regardless of tenure and to their visitors. It is managed in line with our wider building and fire safety management approach

Pest management

This policy explains the management and control measures we have implemented to reduce the incidence and spread of pests within our managed housing stock. It also explains the scope of our work, including which species, proofing work and both planned and ad hoc treatment. We also explain what residents can do to support this work, including appropriate waste disposal and food storage


This explains what pets are welcomed and what restrictions and rules apply. Although tenancies and leases have differences, the basic rules for responsible pet ownership apply to all

Planned maintenance

Planned maintenance work can include pre-planned work to replace fixtures in individual tenanted properties and work to maintain or upgrade communal areas of residential buildings we manage. Examples include roofing, replacement kitchens, and new security systems. The work usually requires open communication and often an element of consultation. We may introduce a partner who will carry out some work on our behalf

Rechargeable costs

This explains where we may rightly recharge incurred costs to a resident, such as a rechargeable repair or a legal cost. This is in line with the tenancy and lease agreements


This sets out our policy about our repair responsibilities for communal areas shared by all residents and for individual tenanted properties. It confirms timeframes for different types of work according to priority. It also confirms tenant and leaseholder repair responsibilities in line with the terms of their tenancy or lease

Required access

This complements and confirms the Repairs policy and other key compliance policies by emphasising the need for us to access a property to carry out our legal duties

Right to Buy

This policy outlines the council’s approach to properties we sell under the Right to Buy. It confirms the rules and eligibility surrounding the initial Right to Buy sale and any subsequent sale of a property purchased under the Right to Buy.

Right to Buy Policy

Service charge

Our Service Charge policy sets out our approach to providing certain charged services to our residential properties, collecting payment, and consulting on changes

Shared ownership resale

This policy explains what must be done when an existing Shared Owner plans to sell their property

Shared ownership staircasing

This policy explains what must be done when an existing Shared Owner plans to buy a greater share of their existing property


Succession is the process where a tenancy is passed to another person on the death of the previous tenant. There are qualifying criteria to be able to succeed to a tenancy

Sustainable green services

This sets out how we will ensure a sustainable approach to managing green spaces, where this is in the scope and jurisdiction of land managed by our Housing service

Temporary relocation

This sets out what we will do should it become necessary to move a tenant to alternative accommodation for a limited time while necessary work is being carried out in their property, and it would be impossible to do with them in situ

Unacceptable behaviour

This explains our commitment to our staff and others who may be working for us, who may become subject to various forms of abuse and unacceptable behaviour from resident and third parties in the course of their work. The policy outlines the types of behaviour we view as unacceptable – ranging from an excessive misuse of staff time to verbal and physical threats and attacks. It also sets out what we will do to address such behaviour and support staff

Vulnerable residents

In the course of our work, we may come across residents who could be considered vulnerable in certain circumstances and who may need support from us or a third party, including reasonable adjustments. While some residents may give us this information upfront, we may ask for information to better understand how we can support someone to access our services, and we may refer or signpost to other sources of assistance

Water safety

This contains information about how we manage the safe provision and maintenance of water hygiene in cold and hot water services directly delivered to homes and buildings under our control. This contains information about how we manage the safe provision and maintenance of water hygiene in cold and hot water services directly delivered to homes and buildings under our control

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