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Land quality searches

This page gives guidance on how to search for land quality information, for people buying and selling land or property in the borough.

The Environmental Protection Team does not hold comprehensive information on land within the borough, so we cannot provide a specific detailed response to enquiries.

However, there are a number of resources which may help you discover the environmental history of sites in the borough.

Resources and contacts

Development control files

Planning Information Service
5th floor, Laurence House, Catford SE6 4RU
Tel: 020 8314 7400
Email: planning@lewisham.gov.uk

Historical maps and records

Obtain additional site information by researching the historical maps and records in Lewisham Central Library's Local History and Archives Centre.

Nuisance reports

Lewisham's Environmental Enforcement team holds records relating to statutory nuisance notices.
Tel: 020 8314 2170.

Landfill, waste, controlled water enquiries

Contact the Environment Agency.

Environmental consultants

Employ the services of an environmental consultant to undertake a thorough assessment of the land. 
Find an environmental consultant.

Contaminated Land Register

There are currently no entries recorded in Lewisham's Contaminated Land Register.

This should not however, be interpreted that the land is necessarily free of contamination. Similarly, this does not guarantee that it will not require investigation by this department at any time in the future.

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