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Brent Knoll School

Brent Knoll School is a mixed primary and secondary school for pupils aged 4–16.

It caters for those with a wide range of needs including speech and language, social communication and autism (including Asperger syndrome) and emotionally vulnerable pupils. The school is accessible for non-ambulant pupils.

Access to specialist provision in the borough normally requires a child to have an education, health and care plan. All specialist provision is intended for young people who have high level needs that are severe or complex and enduring.


Children and young people with autism or social, communication and interaction difficulties who do not have a clinical diagnosis of autism but who would benefit from the strategies and interventions employed in meeting the needs of children with autism.

Brent Knoll is also for children with speech, language and communication difficulties who would not be socially disadvantaged by being within a peer group of children with more significant social and communication needs and significant learning difficulties.

Special education needs provision

Pupils must demonstrate:

  • significant attention difficulties to engage
  • limited independence and awareness of health and safety concerns
    rigidity of behaviour and thought
  • language and communication difficulties which are enduring and impede learning
  • emerging intentional communication
  • limited communication with or interest in peers
  • rigidity and resistance to social interaction; limited expressive ability; reception language processing difficulties.

National Curriculum Level

Typical cognitive abilities of levels P4–P7 at Year 1 and P8–NC level 2c at Y6.


Brent Knoll does not meet the needs of children who:

  • have a diagnosis of autism or Asperger’s Syndrome but are high functioning and demonstrate a potential to access learning at a mainstream level
  • demonstrate social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD) that are not as a result of ASD
  • have a global developmental delay which restricts their access to a mainstream curriculum but who are socially confident and motivated to engage.


Brent Knoll School

Brent Knoll School, Mayow Road, London, SE23 2QU

Services for children and young people with SEND

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