Children and Families Act 2014
The underpinning principle of the new special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) reforms is to have regard to the views, wishes and feelings of the child or young person and their parents. The SEND reforms are a significant cultural and systematic change which are designed to improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND.
The key objectives of the Children and Families Act 2014 are:
- a new single assessment process that looks at the needs of for children and young people aged 0–25 years across education, health and social care
- statements of special educational needs (SSEN) and learning difficulty assessments (LDA) will be replaced by education, health and care plans (EHC) for children and young people aged 0–25 years
- children and young people who had a statement of special educational needs or learning difficulty assessment had these converted to an education, health and care plan through a planned transition process. This was completed as of April 2018
- children and young people assessed as needing an education, health and care plan or those who already have one will have the option of a personal budget
- a published local offer will provide comprehensive, accessible and up to date information in one single place from education, health and social care for children and young people who have SEND
- an expectation that services across education, health and social care should support children and young people with SEND to prepare for adult life help them go on to achieve the best outcomes in employment, independent living, health and community participation.
We have set up a SEND programme board and a number of project groups to ensure implementation of the SEND reforms. The board and project groups have representation across a number of different organisations, including:
- parent/carer representatives
- children's and adult social care services
- education services, including schools and post-16 institutions
- Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust
- children's and adult commissioners
- voluntary sector/charitable organisations.
The special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0–25 years provides statutory guidance on duties, policies and procedures relating to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.