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Determined admissions policy 2018–19

Below is our determined admissions arrangements for the academic year 2018–19. These were decided at a meeting of the Mayor and Cabinet on Wednesday 8 February 2017.

The decisions taken included:

  • the admissions arrangements to all mainstream community nursery schools and classes, primary and secondary school and sixth form

  • the locally coordinated ‘in-year’ admissions arrangements to all mainstream schools and academies

  • the planned admissions limits for all mainstream schools and academies. 

Read more in the full copy of the determined arrangements (- see 'Documents' below).

Faith schools, foundation schools, free schools and academies will publish their admissions arrangements on their own websites.

Any objection to our determined arrangements for the academic year 2018–19 should be lodged with The Office of the Schools Adjudicator no later than Monday 15 May 2017.


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