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Applications from overseas

If you live overseas, you can now apply for a state-funded school place in the borough of Lewisham.
Applications in the normal admissions round and late applications

If you need to make an application whilst living overseas, it is now possible for us to process your application.

We will require one or more of the following documents as proof that you intend to relocate to Lewisham:

  • a mortgage or rental agreement for a property in the area
  • deeds/evidence of ownership for a property in the area
  • current Council Tax statement
  • a letter from an employer showing a transfer date of employment and confirmed address in the area
  • current registration with a local GP
  • letter from the National Asylum Support Service (NASS) or UK Border Agency (UKBA) confirming applicant will be living at the address

If you are unable to provide any of the above documents, please email schooladmissions@lewisham.gov.uk

In-year applications

If you live overseas and need to make an in-year application to a Lewisham community school, we will process this application. For all other schools in the borough that are their own admissions authority, you will need to contact the school directly, or we will pass the application on to the school for it to consider the application and provide you with an outcome.

Establishing ‘home’ address

In order to apply for your child to start school in Lewisham, you will need to provide a home address, and provide evidence of this address (see above).

If you are unable to provide evidence of your home address (before the new school year for applications in the normal admissions round or by the start of the next term for in-year applications), we will use Laurence House as part of its home to school distance policy, at the point the application is made.

In-Year applications from UK Crown servants or military families

We will process applications from UK Crown servants or UK military families with evidence from their employers or commanding officers that they are returning to the area ahead of any move. We will accept any posting or quartering address as a ‘home’ address in the absence of any actual home address. There is no guarantee that a place will be available at a preferred school. Each application will be considered in line with the school's admissions criteria.

Withdrawing offers of places

When an application is made from an address in another country, we will ask for evidence before the school year or term begins to confirm that the child now lives in the area and that the child has a right to access state funded education. If the child does not attend school on the first day of term, or you are unable to provide the necessary evidence, the offer of the school place may be removed, and the place allocated to another child on the waiting list.

Refusal of places

Where a school place is refused, we will offer an appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel and offer a place at an alternative school where there are places available.

For further information read the government guidance on applications from overseas

Admissions and Appeals Team

Admissions and Appeals Team

Laurence House, 1 Catford Road, London, SE6 4RU
Opening hours:

Telephone lines are open Monday–Thursday, 10am–12:noon and Monday 2pm-4pm.

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