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Food safety inspections

Regular checks are carried out on all food premises to make sure the public is protected and high standards are maintained.

Regular checks are carried out on all food premises to make sure the public is protected and high standards are maintained.

Visits to premises are carried out without prior notification and are prioritised according to the degree of potential risk.

During an inspection, we will check that:

  • potential food safety risks have been identified and there are enough controls in place to prevent any problems

  • managers and food handlers have up-to-date training that is suitable for the work they do

  • the condition of the premises and equipment is satisfactory

  • food has been legally imported.

Where practices or conditions are not satisfactory, every attempt will be made to resolve the situation by informal means. But where poor conditions persist, or where there is a risk to public health, it may be necessary to resort to formal action - this could involve either the service of legal notice or prosecution. In extreme cases it could lead to closure of the business.

Results of inspections

You can find food hygiene ratings for businesses in Lewisham on the Food Standards Agency website.


Food and Safety Team (Environmental Health Service)

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