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Polling district review

Details of the Review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations 2021.

Notice of Review of Polling Districts and Places

6 September 2021

The London Borough of Lewisham will be conducting a review of all polling districts and polling places as required by section 18c of the Representation of the People Act 1983. 

The Acting Returning Officer (ARO) for Parliamentary constituencies within the London Borough of Lewisham will make proposals for the scheme of polling districts and places in all wards. The timetable provides details of when these will be published. 

All electors residing within the Parliamentary constituencies of Lewisham Deptford, Lewisham East, and Lewisham West & Penge, are entitled to make representations on the ARO’s proposals or to submit their own proposals. 

We welcome the views of residents, especially those with a disability or with expertise in accessibility arrangements. In addition, we will seek the views of organisations or groups with expertise in various disabilities that can benefit from specific accessibility arrangements. 

Any representations for rejecting a proposed polling place should if possible suggest an alternative venue.

The Timetable

6 September 21          Publish Notice of holding a review.

6 September 21          Publish Returning Officer's proposals and start of consultation period.

6 September 21          Seek representations from experts on disabled access.

29 October 21             End of consultation period.

10 November 21       Revise proposals based on results of consultation and representations.

24 November 21       Formal meeting of Lewisham Council to approve the new proposals.

1 December 21        Publish the electoral register with new proposals included.

Review the Proposals

You can find the proposals using the link at the bottom of this page. They are also available from the Electoral Services Office (address below).

How to make a Representation

To make a representation simply send an email or letter to:

Jamie Baker

Electoral Services

Laurence House





View the Full Proposed Polling Scheme

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