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Get involved

There are many opportunities for people to get involved with international links, particularly for community groups and young people.

Email international@lewisham.gov.uk to find out how you can be involved.

Below are examples of international projects and opportunities for Lewisham students and staff in schools, colleges and higher education institutions. For more information and to find out deadlines, contact details are below.

Fly the Flag

An annual event for people across the world to celebrate the Commonwealth. On 10 March 2014 the Mayor of Lewisham will hoist the Commonwealth Flag, along with leaders and groups nationwide, and there is an opportunity for pupils aged 7–11 to help Fly the Flag for Lewisham by entering a poetry competition.

Europe in Action

To coincide with the European Elections 2014, pupils aged 11–14 are looking at European issues that affect them and entering a Lewisham-wide writing competition to win a trip to visit a Member of the European Parliament in Brussels.


Lewisham students aged 16–18 can attend a special session at the European Parliament at Strasbourg, debating with other students from across the 17 member states of the European Union.

18+ opportunities

There is an opportunity for Lewisham residents aged 21–35 to attend a four-day event to visit Srebrenica, to learn from the genocide that took place there.

Staff opportunities

The British council offer free workshops to staff in schools, colleges and higher education institutions who would like to strengthen the international element of their work.


International Partnerships and Projects

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