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Supporting Fairtrade

As a Fairtrade Borough, Lewisham commits to supporting and using products with the Fairtrade Mark.

Many activities take place throughout the year. Why not organise your own activity or become part of the borough’s campaign group?Fairtrade logo

If you’re a business, find out how to be nominated for a Fairtrade Business Award.

What is Fairtrade?

Fairtrade is about:

  • better prices

  • decent working conditions

  • local sustainability

  • fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world.

Find out more about Fairtrade on the Fairtrade Foundation website.

How are we involved?

Lewisham has been a Fairtrade borough since 2005 with many local shops, cafes and community venues offering certified Fairtrade products. We are responsible for coordinating Fairtrade campaigns and helping support the borough’s dedicated Fairtrade Steering Group.

Fairtrade Steering Group

The Fairtrade Steering Group organise campaigns and events in the borough. Members include local residents and representatives from: 

  • Goldsmiths

  • Oxfam
  • Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
  • South East London Chamber of Commerce
  • Lewisham Council.

The group meets around four times a year. If you would like to find out more about becoming a member please contact the Economic Development Service.

Fairtrade campaigns

Many activities take place throughout the year with Fairtrade Fortnight being the highlight. You can organise your own event or join in with one already taking place.

Fairtrade Business Award

There is a Fairtrade category included in the Mayor of Lewisham Business Awards. This rewards businesses, community organisations or individuals that promote Fairtrade in the borough. Nominees can be retailers, cafés, Fairtrade suppliers, voluntary organisations or entrepreneurs. Find out how to apply or nominate someone for a Fairtrade Business Award.

Useful websites.


Economy and Partnership

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