Our role in an emergency
If a major incident is declared we will:
- support the emergency services
- support people affected by the incident
- provide mutual aid for other councils
- carry on with normal services
- plan for long term consequences.
We have an emergency planning controller on duty at all times who can mobilise resources and contractors at short notice.
We will attend the scene of the incident to liaise with the emergency services and, if necessary, can set up an emergency control centre in the borough.
When needed we will provide:
- transport
- temporary evacuation shelter
- examination of building structures
- highway closures and diversion routes
- equipment.
We also play a major role in getting things back to normal as quickly as possible.
Duties under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004
We have a statutory duty to:
- risk assess to inform contingency planning
- embed emergency plans
- embed Business Continuity Management arrangements
- work with local responders to enhance coordination and efficiency
- publicise Civil Protection matters and develop arrangements to advise, warn and inform the public.
Borough and London partners
Partner agencies include the London Metropolitan Police, Lewisham Police, London Fire Brigade, Lewisham Hospital, NHS Lewisham, London Ambulance Service and the Environment Agency.
Emergency Planning
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