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Public art in Catford

An image library of public art in Catford.

Catford Cat

Artist: Owen Luder/Embassy Signs Year: 1974 Location: Catford Shopping Centre The Catford Cat is a local icon, heralding with its paw the opening to Catford Shopping Centre.

The Catford Cat

Chariot / Blue on Green

Chariot Artist: Oleg Prokofiev, 2006 Commissioned by Desiman LTD with Creative Lewisham Bequeathed by Prokofiev family Blue on Green Artist: Freedom Arts Trust, 2002.

An image of catford public art, chariot

Pensive Girl

Artist: Gerda Rubinstein, 1992 Location: Catford Town Hall Commissioned, owned and maintained by Lewisham Council One of several works in the borough by Gerda Rubinstein.

images of a public art in catford

Water Line

Artist: Oliver Barratt, 2006 Location: Corner of Rushey Green and Brownhill Road Commissioned by: Desiman LTD with Creative Lewisham. Water Line reflects the watery history of the area with its blue fluid curves.

image of a waterline public art in catford

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